  • 學位論文


A Study of Citizen Participation in Taichung Green River Planning

指導教授 : 彭文惠 連振佑


台中市綠川本來是附近居民生活相依的河川,但是在台中居住人口增加、污水管線建置不完善的情況下,民生污廢水幾乎排入台中市河道。綠川也不例外,散發著惡臭。 在綠川有一群人因不願看到美麗的河川,流著汙濁的水並發出惡臭,組成綠川工坊。透過自主舉行淨川、參與在地市集、拜訪居民等方式分享環境理念;秉持著對綠川環境的熱誠自主舉行活動、與不同團體合作求新求變,以使更多人能夠正視都市河川議題。 台中市於104年提出「新盛綠川水岸廊道計畫」,透過水質改善一改綠川貌似排水溝的舊印象。於計畫中舉辦了20多場培力課程與工作坊。綠川工坊身為在地民間團體的角色則自主的將參與並將資訊傳達給在地居民。且與水利局和國際水利基金會有許多意見上的傳遞。 綠川工坊在沒有金援的情況下將自身力量發揮到最大值,試圖去感染參與的民眾。政府有足夠的資金,然在民眾參與的舉辦方式較為呆版,多以聽講方式進行。研究發現,政府可以試著與在地自發結社的民間團體合作,透過民間團體的熱情讓民眾參與都市河川規劃的過程更活潑,提升參與效果。而在地結社民間團體因長時間於當地深耕,與在地民眾已有認識。政府可以透過在地民間團體成立駐點站與民眾建立互信關係民眾參與最重要的並不是民眾透過參與過程對政策影響的多寡,而是在參與過程中政府是否提供了良好的溝通管道,並且雙方互相信任,民眾在沒有政府主導的參與計畫下能延續監督工程與政策方針的角色。


Taichung Green River was a big part of the residents' life. With population growth and sewage pipe not being well establish, most of the waste water flows into river. Green River is no exception. There is a group of Green River residents, called “Green River worker” who hold river conservation activities independently such as cleaning the river, joining local market, visiting residents to raise awareness of urban river issues. Because they don't want to see the river being polluted. Taichung city government proposed a project named”New Green River Waterfront Corridor Plan”. The government claimed that the project will make the river more beautiful, more ecology, and more historic. During the course of this project, government held more than 20 workshops and course so workers at Green River local group can share information with residents and exchange opinions with government frequently. With no financial aid, Green River Worker tries to do everything they can to influence people. Government has funds and power, but the events are not good as Green River Worker's. But if the government and local groups can work together to get more citizens involved and make the cause more successful. The success of citizen participation is not dependent on how influential they can be in the issues. It is important that the communication bridge between people and government is unblocked. People can easily access policy directions and express their opinions.


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