  • 學位論文


Urban Regeneration by the People: in the case of Central District in Taichung City

指導教授 : 陳其澎


台中市中區在日治時期的市區改正之下,被規劃成為一個既摩登又現代的城市,並在戰後,歷經商業、經濟的高度發展,成為都市的核心區域,人潮終日熱絡。但約在民國八十幾年開始,隨著外圍大量重劃區的興建,中區開始走向沒落,產業、人口嚴重外移,整個城市人去樓空,政府、民間與學術單位都提不出具體有效政策來改善中區。直到近幾年全台蔓延老屋活化的風潮,促使舊城區漸漸開始有企業團隊、組織與年輕人進駐其中,在這裡工作、生活,發揮一己之力期望能重振中區,因此中區在目前已有單點開始活絡。 本研究試圖透過歷史資料與報章雜誌的文獻回顧,探究中區從繁榮走向衰敗的原因,並透過深度訪談與實際參與觀察,探討近幾年在中區活動的團體組織對於當地所帶來的影響。研究結果顯示,在推動舊城區的復甦時,外來團體的移入能夠賦予地區更豐富的多元樣貌,也能刺激外地人口與當地居同共同參與舊城區的再生計畫,但外來者應思考如何與地方產生連結,如何與公部門、當地居民達成共識、相互配合推動再生行動,也是目前中區復甦所面臨的挑戰,因此本文最後提出應以舊城區世代堆疊的文化深度與市民風情為基礎,再尋求轉型與創新,成為建構中區再生的願景。


During the time period that Japan occupied Taiwan, the Japanese government conducted a city improvement plan of Taiwan. The Central District of Taichung were redesigned and it became a modern city later. After Taiwan’s retrocession, The Central District of Taichung were highly economically developed. People gathering in this area for business and commercial purpose. Around 1990s’, because the rise of other renewal cities surround The Central District of Taichung, the Central District of Taichung declined. Local businesses and population of this area relocated to other cities, but government, and nongovernmental organizations could not able to offer a plan to improve the decay of The Central District of Taichung. Recently, a trend of revitalizing of private old houses spreads in Taiwan. This attracts businesses, organizations and young generations live and work in The Central District of Taichung, which hope that because of their efforts that they could revive this area. There are some spots in this area develop again. The purpose of this research is to discover why The Central District of Taichung declined through looking and analyzing historical background. Also, this research discusses how organizations and businesses in The Central District of Taichung impact local economic and environment through interviewing and observing many people and stores. The research shows that the immigrants could provide old towns – such as The Central District of Taichung more opportunities and possibilities. Also, immigrants could stimulate local folks participate the urban district correction. The challenge The Central District of Taichung facing now is how the immigrants connect with local features and how to compromise between immigrants, local folks and government in this area. At the end, people who live in this area should use culture characteristics and urban landscaping as foundations, looking innovations and transformations to re-establish the Central District of Taichung.


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