  • 學位論文


A Study of Waterfront Development Strategy in Kaohsiung City of Love River under the Sustainable Development

指導教授 : 蘇瑛敏


永續發展思潮與都市空間之關係,一直是近代都市規劃領域中一個重要的研究課題,隨著永續發展理念的推廣,其應用在都市發展遂逐漸成為空間規劃上的趨勢。回顧過去近20年,水岸這項都市空間議題在世界各國的發展歷程,由早期單純的因為水岸地區衰敗而展開更新發展計畫,到了1990年代後期開始,「水岸城市」逐漸成為受人矚目的發展策略之一。 愛河是高雄近年來都市空間發展轉型的觸媒,而高雄港舊港區的釋出與開放,也提供了都市水岸發展的腹地和機會。自從1998年高雄市政黨輪替之後,一連串針對都市水岸空間的改造行動,對於長期受工業之名所累的高雄市,始獲得轉型的契機。本研究首先以文獻回顧法,由永續發展相關理論探討如何引導水岸空間的發展,並藉由各國案例的分析,歸納可提供高雄市發展的借鏡,依此建立都市水岸空間永續發展架構。接下來則透過實地勘查與深度訪談法,探討高雄都市發展脈絡、水岸空間轉型歷程與現況,最後以都市水岸空間永續發展架構檢視高雄市水岸空間的發展課題,並提出永續發展理念下之水岸空間發展構想與策略。


It has been an important issue of urban planning latter-day, between a stream of thought of sustainable development and urban space. To promote as a concept of sustainable development, that has became a trend of spatial planning for urban development. Reviewing the past 20 years, Waterfront, the global issue of urban spatial development, was purely caused of the decay of waterfront area in the early days. But from the 1990s, “Waterfront City” has gradually become an attractive strategy of development. Love River is the “trigger”, which made the urban spatial development changed in Kaohsiung, besides, the open of old Kaohsiung Port also provided the space and opportunity for urban waterfront devolvement. Kaohsiung City can finally change the bad name of heavy industry. Literature Review was a first approach in this research and it discussed how to guild the urban waterfront devolvement according to the theories of Sustainable Development. In addition, it analyzed the cases of others countries to suggest urban waterfront sustainable devolvement in Kaohsiung. Second, site-visit and in-depth interview were used to investigate the history and status of urban development and waterfront in Kaohsiung. Last, the research used the framework of urban waterfront sustainable devolvement to examine the same issue in Kaohsiung and provided relevant insights and strategies.


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