  • 學位論文


A Space-based Research on Community Empowerment

指導教授 : 金家禾


本文之研究藍本為臺南市政府都市發展局承內政部營建署補助所執行「臺南築角」。透過競賽方式將空間設計與社區組織進行雙線整合,分別同時徵選設計團隊與社區組織,依雙方對社區的願景及設計概念進行媒合配對,試圖解決社區規劃師雖能代表社區、但囿於專業不足,空間專業者雖具設計能力、卻缺乏在地理解的雙面困境,並透過競賽規則之設計,強化對於在地工法、雇工購料之講究與要求。在「臺南築角」這個競賽平台中,分別有設計團隊、社區組織以及平台本身,扮演此一空間形塑的多重動力,本文以歷時參與之形式,觀察社會參與的實踐程度,以空間與社會彼此影響以形成外化與內化的相關理論為基礎,描述空間改造的過程與結果所經歷的人地互動關係,找出足以建構起外化與內化的關聯。 本文透過彙整文獻,建構在都市計畫與社區營造架構下「空間與社會」以及「外化與內化」的論述。後者,鑒於參與除了必須滿足在空間的使用機能及外觀外,更重要的是常被忽略參與的內涵為形式生產的社會過程,所以必須不斷藉由實際完成的案例,重新檢視空間生產過程中的問題、困境,才能讓「參與」不致落入僵化形式,而失去其所要具有的社會意義。當中,政策的設計以學生為社區營造的催化角色,創造出新的合作模式與營造契機,本文認為:以學生為主軸的合作模式具有正面的效果但學生的角色不足以破除既存的網絡,仍然受到限制,最後,短期計畫效果有限,社區需要較長的時間與更多的資源,才能在空間生產歷程中完整成形。 參與空間實踐為方法而進行的研究,試圖歸納出此一社區空間改造途徑,驗證其空間營造形式得以創造新的社會參與及地方意識;以此結論作為以空間生產為媒介之社區營造的建議。


社區營造 空間生產


The research on community empowerment was based on the local landscape planning policy established by Tainan City Government. The policy set a competition module as an innovative cooperation method to link communities and planners. By nominating students from spatial-related areas to take the places of traditional adult community planner, the student planners were expected to boost a new trail of spatial practice, representations of space and representational spaces. Advocating that community planning are one of approaches to practice the relations between "space and society" and "externalizing and internalizing", the research was executed by a four-year time-lasting participation in the policy-led competition through experienced four cases of space-based community planning on 2011, 2012, 2014 and 2015. The results indicated that students could play a different role from traditional planners. Their age and social status helped students had a more innocent relationship with the community locals in the policy-led competition. But, in the other way, students were not able to go deeper in the local social network due to multiple reasons. Such the community was in a complicated political network, or, there were mind gaps among land owners, villagers and local government. The final results showed institutional issues had influences on the outcome of the space-based community empowerment. Since the policy restarted again every single year, all the administrative procedure had to restart again annually. It formed a limitation to students and communities that they had to finish everything before the annual deadline. The pressures pushed students to sacrifices the engagement in the relationships with local society. Instead, they would put more efforts on visible community space building. To stronger the interaction between space and society, first, the research advised a longer policy implement period. The more time planners could spend with the community; the more opinions of the space could be share. Second, creating a physical space is the first step to a local society. Furthermore, combining the spatial functions with local social values could be an effective way on space-based community empowerment.


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