  • 學位論文


The research of private animal shelters in Taiwan

指導教授 : 費昌勇


狗貓等是我們日常生活中最常飼養的伴侶動物,原因是容易取得且飼養上也沒有太多的不便。但就是因為取得容易,要放棄飼養牠們也不難,隨便放置在馬路上或公園裡即可。這樣的社會問題,讓政府不得不設立公立動物收容所,來暫時安置這些臨時無處可去的動物們。而這原本的好意,卻讓一些不負責任的飼主利用,導致許多動物收容所面臨過度擁擠的情形,以致於政府不得不使用較極端的手段-安樂死,來解決公立收容所過度擁擠的窘況。這時一些有愛心的民間動物保護人士,便成立了私立的(不殺生)動物保護收容所,一來可以自行捕捉流浪動物,二來安置政府即將安樂死的動物。這些愛心人士有的是有一定規模的組織,有的是獨立的個體戶或稱為愛心媽媽,他們在巷弄之間處理社會上人們所謂的問題,有些獲得肯定的掌聲,有些也有不為人知的辛酸。 然而臺灣地區私立動物收容所之現況,至今尚無任何調查文獻。本次調查,是針對行政院動物植物檢疫防疫局和各縣市防疫所提供的資料,以及網路上搜尋得知之合法社團法人、動保協會,以電話訪談的結果進行質化分析;並將所得之數據與公立動物收容所,和相關論文所得之其他國家資料予以比較,以評估私立動物收容所之動物福利概況。本次調查共收集得85家動物收容所,其中27家不願受訪,18家在網路上的登記方式有誤,故實際有效訪查者僅40家。訪談內容包括收容所規模、動物種類、如何記錄動物進出、收容所內有無獸醫師協助、是否執行安樂死、以及組織對於動物的宗旨等。 結論是大部分之私立動物收容所都沒有一套有效之管理方式,但都執意持續收容動物。空間及人力都無法負荷動物之收容量,又不同意動物安樂死,動物髒亂領養率低,整體而言僅少數收容所內之動物福利符合基本要求。


Dogs and cats are the most common companion animals in our life, because they are easy to obtain and do not cause too much inconvenience when fostering them. Given that it is easy to obtain them, it is also not difficult to give up fostering—just abandon them on the roads or at any random park casually. These social problems forced the government to establish public animal shelters to temporarily house these stray animals. This generous intention of animal shelters is being exploited by irresponsible owners, causing them to be over-crowded and forcing the government to take the extreme measure of euthanasia to solve the over-crowdedness of public shelters. Some zoophilists founded private(no killing)animal shelters to house stray animals and those that were to be put down by the government. Some of these zoophilists are organized, others are individuals or known as loving mothers that take care of these so-called “problems” on the streets. Some were applauded and some had to endure unknown hardships. Up to this day, no research literature could be found regarding the current situation of private animal shelters in Taiwan. This research is a qualitative analysis resulted from telephone interviews that utilized information provided by Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, Executive Yuan and Animal And Plant Disease Control center of local governments, and legal aggregate corporations and animal protection associations found on the internet. The data gathered from the above- mentioned telephone interviews were then compared with those of public animal shelters and related research papers to evaluate the general situation of animal welfare in private animal shelters. A total of 85 animal shelters were collected in this research, in which 27 of them refused to be interviewed and 18 of them were mistakenly registered on the internet. Therefore, only 40 animal shelters were actually interviewed. The contents of the interviews included the scale of the shelter, species of animals housed, records on the move-in and move-out of animals, are there assisting vets in the shelters, were euthanasia implemented, and the organization’s aim on animals. The conclusion of this research is that, most private animal shelters do not have a set of effective management procedures, yet insisted on continuing housing animals. The space and human resource of these private animal shelters were overburdened, and at the same time, they refuse to implement euthanasia. These reasons resulted in untidy housed animals and caused low adoption rate. Overall speaking, only a handful of shelters met the basic requirements of animal welfare.


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