  • 學位論文


A study of the animal populations in animal shelters in Taiwan

指導教授 : 費昌勇


本研究是探討台灣動物保護法於1998年11月公佈二年後(2000)起至2007年,台灣全國動物收容所每年進出狗數之變化趨勢。每年進入動物收容所狗之來源,分別為:動物保護員(Animal Control Officer, ACO)捕捉與飼主棄養。全國進入動物收容所之總狗數從2000年至2007年依次為61,181隻(2000)、55,658隻(2001)、59,646隻(2002)、71,980隻(2003)、75,648隻(2004)、80,329隻(2005)、94,689隻(2006)、109,136隻(2007),有逐漸升高之趨勢;其主要之來源是由動物保護員捕捉,百分比依次為96%(2000)、91%(2001)、86%(2002)、83%(2003)、85%(2004)、85%(2005)、86%(2006)、88%(2007),至於飼主主動送交動物收容所棄養之比例則較低。每年離開動物收容所狗之途徑,分別為:安樂死、認領養、病死或走失,安樂死為其主要之離開原因,全國每年安樂死之百分比從2000年至2007年依次為70%(2000)、58%(2001)、60%(2002)、65%(2003)、64%(2004)、73%(2005)、75%(2006)、75%(2007),認領養百分比一直在19%至12%之間。數據顯示台灣地區在公佈動物保護法後十年來,棄養的家狗數目逐年增加,但動物收容所認領養之比例並未增加。本研究亦從台灣之主流宗教文化層面進行討論。


The Animal Protection Law was publicly enforced in November 1998. This essay mainly investigates the numbers of dogs entered and exited animal shelters in Taiwan from 2000 (two years after The Animal Protection Law was publicly announced) to 2007. There are two ways of dogs entered shelters, being “Animal Control Officer (ACO) captured” and “surrender by owners.” National numbers of dogs entered shelters from 2000 to 2007 are: 61,181(2000), 55,658(2001), 59,646 (2002), 71,980(2003), 75,648(2004), 80,329(2005), 94,689(2006), 109,136(2007), posing the increasing trend. Most of those entered are categorized as “Animal Control Officer capture,” the ratios from 2000 to 2007 are: 96%(2000), 91%(2001), 86%(2002), 83%(2003), 85%(2004), 85%(2005), 86%(2006), 88%(2007). Dogs “surrendered by owners” are very few. Ways of dogs to exit shelters comprise ‘euthanasia”, “reclaimed and adopted”, “ill or fight to death” and “other or lost”. The majority of them is euthanasia. Ratios of euthanasia from 2000 to 2007 are: 70%(2000), 58%(2001), 60%(2002), 65%(2003), 64%(2004), 73%(2005), 75%(2006), 75%(2007). Ratios of “reclaimed and adopted” from 2000 to 2007 are between 19% and 12%. Although abandoned dogs have been increasing, but dogs to be “reclaimed and adopted” from shelters are not increasing proportionally. This thesis also discusses from the aspect of Chinese religions on the barrier to solve the pet overpopulation problem.


4. 費昌勇 2007九十六年度全國家犬家貓數目調查報告 行政院農業委員會
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