  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 包宗和


摘要 後冷戰的美國單極結構,使的美國成為主導國際政治運作的最大力量;台灣、美國、中共戰略三角的互動關係,也隨著蘇聯的瓦解,而產生的性質上的改變。美國單一霸權國家的地位,依照理性行為的假設,促使它有維繫、鞏固以及擴張它既有霸權優勢地位的內在動力。同時,美國獨霸的地位,也讓它在台灣、美國、中共的三角互動當中,享有強大的主導能力,並且,成為改變戰略三角類型的主要動力來源。 中共逐漸崛起的國力,是美國維繫霸權地位的潛在挑戰,是威脅美國區域利益的可能之一,也是美國商業的廣大市場,同時是諸多國際事務不可或缺的合作夥伴。台灣是美國長期的盟友,是美國民主價值的櫥窗,是經濟上的合作夥伴,更具有牽制中共的間接功能。美國的單一霸權地位在台、美、中的戰略三角關係,主要採取了同時對中共與台灣「既交往又牽制」的兩手策略,一方面可以滿足美國的利益,另一方面可以限制另外兩者對於既存現狀的可能挑戰。 台灣以及中共雖然在三角互動過程之中,保有一定程度的自主地位,但是,美國全球性的單極霸權結構,限制了自主的程度,而讓台灣與中共無法在理性行為的角度當中,謀取自身最大的利益。 本文的研究焦點,即鎖定在美國單一霸權結構,對於台美中戰略三角互動的限制和影響,以及分析三角關係變化的合理因素和動力來源。


Abstract After the collapse of the Soviet Union , the United States has become the unique super power in the world during the post cold war era, and has built the unipolar structure in the international politics. The nature of interaction among Taiwan, the United States and the People’s Republic of China has shifted with the change of international situation in the new era. With the unipolar structure in the wide world and the unique power in the triangle relation among Taiwan, the U.S. and China, the United States has the natural inclination to maintain the superior position in the triangle relation, which will make her more effective to maintain, to solidify and to expand the unipolar structure in the world politics. Moreover, the energy of the unique superpower in the triangle interaction supplies her abounding measures to reach this goal .For that matter, the major energy which shift the triangle relation among Taiwan, the U.S. and China is provided by the United States with her purposes , policies and actions. The U.S. is the most important one in the three sides’ interaction, she plays the crucial role. The People’s Republic of China is a great developing country in the East Asia, which maybe the potential threat toward the superior position of U.S.over this region and the world’s politics in this century; Contradictorily, China is also a beneficial commercial market for the U.S. and is a indispensable partner to many international issues for the U.S. in the international community. So that, it is a great challenge for U.S. to balance the benefit and the negative effect upon China for the U.S. in the near future. Taiwan,which is a traditional political and military ally to the United States in this region, is a democratic country in the pan-Chinese community and is an important partner in the economic issues to the United States; Furthermore, due to the mutual provocative relation between Taiwan Strait in the past several years, Taiwan, magically, can be a useful mean to contain or to engage China directly and indirectly for the United States in the East-Asian region during the post cold war era. The superior position of the U.S. in the triangle relation among three players gives her a stance to balance the power among three sides , to ensure the quasi-independent status of Taiwan, to contain China and to maintain the status quo of triangle relation, which benefits the United States. Taiwan and China are both the players in this triangle interaction, thanks to the unipolar structure of the international politics that the United States has the superior position strongly over Taiwan and China in the triangle interaction, and that will restrict the rational scenario which could be chosen in the interactive process. Taiwan and China will be limited to get their best interests in the process either. The consequence of triangle interaction among Taiwan, the United States and China will be eventually inclined to benefit the United States under the unipolar structure. The U.S. will intentionally make it happen within the way she can do and will do so for maintaining the superior position in the East-Asian Region and in the world.


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蔡宗翰(2008)。美國小布希政府兩岸政策戰略清晰走向研究 —以戰略三角理論檢視〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.02357
