  • 學位論文

台灣地區商業部落格之探討- 應用模式之比較與分類

A Research on Business Blogs in Taiwan- Application Models and Classifications

指導教授 : 黃俊堯


本研究以探索性研究、質性觀察之方法,檢視台灣地區商業之部落格應用模式,藉由觀察過程歸納台灣商業部落格發展之特色,並試圖以不同角度分析部落格之應用類型,以提供企業設立部落格之參考。 研究結果發現,台灣與美國商業部落格之相同處在於:(1)B2B企業應用意願較低(2)金融業部落格應用態度保守(3)CEO部落格之比例低。相異處則為:(1)台灣應用部落格之比例較低(2)台灣較少提供公司內部見解。此外,台灣地區商業部落格應用上共有十一大特色,包含:使用部落格之製造業者傾向大型企業,服務業則傾向中小型企業;中小型企業傾向使用企業型部落格,而大型企業傾向使用事件型部落格;中大型企業以部落格行銷為輔,小型企業以部落格行銷為主;以人際互動做為個人績效標準之產業,員工有較高誘因建立相關部落格;商業部落格應用方式與產業特性息息相關等。 在部落格應用類型方面,若以產業別、行銷標的、敘事手法三個構面進行分析,可將商業部落格分成六大類:(1)高資本類(2)個人專業服務類(3)傳播娛樂類(4)街角創業類(5)生活休閒類(6)運輸通路。若依部落格使用目的,則可將部落格分成六個類型,分別為(1)品牌精緻化型(2)資訊提供型(3)互動回應型(4)好友情感型(5)社群網絡型(6)明星效應型。 最後,藉由部落格樣本觀察之結果,本研究提出三大建議: (1) 藉由部落格互相訂閱增強企業整體感並分享行銷效果。 (2) 透過提供部落格空間者培養目標顧客社群。 (3) 以人際互動頻率做為個人績效標準之產業可建立員工部落格。


The main purposes of this paper are to apply exploratory research and qualitative observation to examine the different application models and to induct the development characteristics of business blogs in Taiwan. According to this paper, the similarities of business blogs in Taiwan and in the U.S. are: (1) B2B industries are less willing to apply business blogs; (2) The application of business blogs in financial industry is more conservative. (3) The percentage of CEO-blog is still low. The differences are: (1) The percentage of business blog in Taiwan is lower. (2) Blogs in Taiwan provide fewer companies’ internal opinions. In addition, there are eleven characteristics of business blog application in Taiwan: companies in manufacturing industry using business blogs tend to be large-size enterprises; however, enterprises in service industry using business blogs tend to be mid-small businesses; business blogs are only assistant marketing tools for mid-large enterprises; however, they are major tools for small enterprises; employees in industries which use intensity of interpersonal reaction as the measurement of performance have stronger incentives to establish related blogs; application models of business blog are highly related with industry characteristics. In term of industries, marketing targets and narrative mechanisms, the application models of business blogs can be divided into six categories, including: (1) intensive capital, (2) personal profession service (3) communication and entertainment (4) corner enterprises (5) life and leisure, and (6) transportation and channel. In terms of purposes, the application models of business blogs can be divided into six categories, including: (1) brand elaborator (2) information provider (3) interacter (4) affection attracter (5) community network (6) celebrity-effect. As a result, this paper provides three suggestions based on the blog samples: (1) Enhance enterprise entirety and share marketing efforts through blog roll. (2) Nurture target customers’ communities by providing blog space. (3) Encourage employees in industries which use intensity of interpersonal reaction as the measurement of performance to establish blogs.


IMC Web 2.0 internet marketing blog blog marketing


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