  • 學位論文

機電工程教育之問題導向專題學習模式設計 ─以無人自行車為例

Problem-driven Project-based Learning Model Design of Mechatronics Engineering Education ─Riderless Bicycle as an Application

指導教授 : 周瑞仁


本研究設計一個教學場域──無人自行車之設計與製作,貫穿大一到大四機電工程相關的課程。透過無人自行車的系列課程:前導課程、深化課程與轉換課程,分別達到提升學生學習動機、連貫地培養專業知識與核心能力、建立職場就業力。此場域以獨特、貼近學生生活的豐富情境,以激起學生的學習動機;系列課程以問題導向專題學習模式進行,從洞察問題與尋求解方出發,進入學習與解決問題的循環當中,建立學生自主學習的核心能力。 專題導向學習已經廣泛應用於大學的許多課程,然而,目前的專題導向學習是先學習專業知識,再應用所學來解決問題。不過,學生畢業後進入產業界,面臨的學習模式不盡相同。在產業界,往往為了解決產業或社會面對的問題,即需進入為了解決問題而學習的學習模式。 根據職場的學習模式,本研究設計的問題導向專題學習模式,係從解決問題出發,進入學習與解決問題的不斷循環當中,提升學生的學習動機、面對與解決問題的能力。 為此,本研究將職場的學習模式納入學校的學習生態當中。在大一的前導課程就提供機電工程領域的職場情境與場域。學生明確地知道場域中的問題後,不但能引發後續的學習動機,學生為了解決問題,從做中學,進而帶著問題進入大二、大三的深化課程中逐步學習解決問題必備的專業知識,與培養職場核心能力如:自主學習、團隊協作、溝通表達。大四的轉換課程作最後統整與收尾,並內化這些專業技能與核心能力,將其轉換成實戰的就業力。 研究設計了貼近職場的學習模式,將設計的無人自行車教學場域應用其中,搭配無人自行車系列課程以培養學生專業知識、實作技術及核心能力。本研究以教學工作坊的形式,初步展示此教學模式的概念與課程設計,並蒐集參與學生的問卷調查與意見回饋,作為教學成效間接評量,及後續課程設計與改善的依據。本論文將職場的學習模式納入學校的學習生態當中,提前培養學生的職場適應力,對此教學研究後續的設計與實踐建立了一個良好的開端。


This study aims to design a problem-driven project-based learning model and a series of courses in riderless bicycle scenario to cultivate students’ professional knowledge, practical skills and core competencies. Through the series of courses, students are allowed to have problem-driven project-based learning in this scenario so as to cultivate the necessary professional knowledge, practical skills and core competencies for entering the industry in the future. The riderless bicycle scenario is not only familiar to students and rich in a large number of theoretical and practical research topics but also integrates mechatronics engineering subjects from the freshman year to the senior year. The series of courses include the introduction, in-depth, and transformation courses. The introduction courses guide students about the scenario and establish their framework relation and basic understanding about the various subjects of mechatronics engineering. The in-depth courses allow the students to gradually design and actually fabricate the riderless bicycle. During the process, they can study and integrate the various subjects and disciplines in depth as well as develop independent learning, innovative thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and communication skills and other core competencies. The transformation courses help the students internalize their knowledge and experience in the scenario, translating them into other practical applications and connecting with the industry. This study designed a learning workshop for actual implementation and conducted a survey afterward on to make a preliminary assessment of the feasibility and basic functions of the riderless bicycle as a problem-driven project-based learning and teaching scenario and to collect feedback from students to serve as the reference for the design and improvement of follow-up curriculum series.


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