  • 學位論文


The Study on Business Model of Walt Disney Company: A View from Animation Business

指導教授 : 江炯聰


動畫產業近幾年的成長非常快速,特別是電腦動畫,在全球產值上不斷成長。而美國的動畫產業依附在好萊塢電影工業下,在全球市場上大有斬獲,2001-2005年在全球賣座票房前十大影片的排名上,都可以見到動畫電影佔據榜上。但過去動畫票房常勝軍迪士尼自製的動畫電影近幾年不再風光,已經排不進十大賣座票房,只依靠與皮克斯合作發行的賣座動畫,而不致於從榜上消失。雖然如此,但迪士尼還是在其他娛樂與媒體領域有強大的影響力,而這些影響力還是與迪士尼的動畫脫離不了關係。因此本研究希望透過深入了解迪士尼的發展歷程與經營模式,試圖來解釋迪士尼早些年的成功,與近幾年的不穩定。 透過本研究分析得到迪士尼的經營模式來自於清楚的目標客群與價值論述與定位,迪士尼目標客群為兒童,並擴及至家庭娛樂,價值論述與定位便因而產生,以提供適合家庭闔家觀賞或休閒娛樂的產品或服務為主,創造愉快而難以磨滅的深刻體驗,而這必須完全體現在迪士尼以動畫為創意核心的所有產品與服務中。因此迪士尼的運作邏輯便是將源源不絕的創意、強大的發行能力,與代表迪士尼精神的品牌落實在各種產品與服務上,不斷吸引顧客消費,也吸引許多合作夥伴願意參與,透過迪士尼集團在綜效與行銷策略的完善規劃,創造龐大的利潤。 但迪士尼在1995年之後的不穩定,則肇因創意能力的欲振乏力,這是由於原先管理團隊的瓦解;外部環境競爭加劇,迪士尼並未跟上市場與產業的變化。另一方面,本研究也認為迪士尼在邁向集團化的過程中,官僚組織化與過分擴展發行能力下,對創意開發能力產生衝擊,也對創意產品品質不再嚴格要求。回歸到迪士尼的經營模式來看,迪士尼似乎過於側重在強化發行能力,而疏忽了創意開發能力對經營模式正常運作以及持續活化品牌的重要性。 因此本研究將給予迪士尼的發展以下的建議: 1.持續強化各媒體通路的發行能力,擴展影響力:一方面不必受制於其他競爭對手,一方面在除了電影院外的其他市場發行窗口重要性漸增之下,亦可從這些管道中找尋潛在的獲利空間。 2.重新找回創意開發能力:自製動畫落居下風,連帶的影響整個經營模式的運作與集團的整體表現。迪士尼是製作動畫起家的,不太可能放棄動畫製作這一塊市場,而擁有高票房表現的動畫亦是後續能否持續獲利的關鍵之一,因此重新找回創意開發能力會是迪士尼未來發展的一大重點。 3.持續迪士尼品牌的明確定位:善用品牌優勢,繼續適度的擴展迪士尼到各個潛在的獲利管道,也是迪士尼應該要發展的重點。


The growth of animation industry is pretty high recently, especially for the production value of computer animation. American animation industry attracts the consumers by collocating with Hollywood movie production. The animated film is always on the list of top 10 films during 2001 to 2005. Nevertheless, now the animated film produced by Disney doesn’t earn the reputation as before, and it cannot hit on the list of top 10 films. Disney depends on the popular animated film co-produced by Disney and Pixar to support the past great achievement. Disney still influences some aspects, such as entertainment and media, because of the existence of animation. This research explains the success of Disney in the past few years and the unsteadiness in the recent time by understanding the development and business model of Disney. The research demonstrates that the business model of Disney origins from distinct target customers and value proposition. Disney targets child as its main customer and enlarge the business into the home entertainment. The value proposition of Disney, which is to provide the product and service suitable for the whole family, is established as well. All of its product and service contribute to create joyful experience. And the core value of the product and service come from Disney animation. In this research, we could understand that Disney combine originality, ability of distribution and the brand value on all product and service to attract consumers and partners. The Disney group creates the synergy and maps out the complete strategy to bring huge profit. Disney cannot keep pace with the changeable market thus it faces the decent from 1995 because of the lack of creative ability, the change of original management team, and stronger competitive environment. Furthermore, when Disney pursues to become big group, the bureaucratic organization and over-extended ability of distribution diminish the creative capability. Disney seems to focus too much on the ability of distribution. Disney ignores the creative capability that is important to operate its business and stronger its brand value. The suggestions for Disney provided by this research showed as follows: 1.Disney should strengthen continually the ability of distribution on various media channels to increase its own influence. Therefore, Disney would not be imposed restrictions by other competitors. And Disney could find potential profit from various media channels as the importance of market windows increases besides movie theaters. 2.Disney should rebuild its creative capability. Unpopular animated films produced by Disney hinder the operation of whole group and cause the inferior performance. With regard to the origin of Disney development, Disney cannot abandon the production of animated film. The main factor whether the animated film could maintain high box office is the creative capability. 3.Disney should maintain its distinct value proposition. Disney can take advantage of strong brand to extend its potential profitable channels.


film industry animation industry business model Disney Pixar


12.考夫(Caves, Richard)(2003)。文化創意產業—以契約達成藝術與商業的媒合(Creative Industries: Contracts between Art and Commerce)(仲曉玲、徐子超譯)。台北市:典藏藝術家。(原作2000年出版)
5.Cave, Richard(2000). Creative Industries: Contracts between Art and Commerce. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
10.Hansell, Saul(April 3, 2006). At Last, Movies to Keep Arrive on Internet. New York Times, C6.


