  • 學位論文

品牌價值創新: MAZDA汽車在臺灣發展個案研究

Brand Value Innovation: MAZDA Auto Taiwan Development Case Study

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


現在企業越競爭越來越激烈,為維持企業長遠的發展,企業必須竭盡所有的資源努力建構強化自己的能力。如果我們從價值鏈的角度著手,最有價值創新的地方當然是在價值鏈的兩端,也就是研發及行銷這兩個部份。而個案公司在台灣能有成長則是品牌的創新價值。個案的成功關鍵在於個案公司在過去八年中藉由品牌價值的創新,使得個案能在競爭的汽車市場超脫成長,因此予以整理分析個案在品牌價值創新過程是如何進行?並且掌握了哪些成功的關鍵因素?這些成功的關鍵因素是否在其他產業也足為借鏡? 本研究是以個案研究的方式深入探討個案為了要能重新進入台灣市場,最先著手並投入最大資源以致能成功的就是在品牌價值創新的部份。在品牌價值創新個案採取的步驟包括:


The competition between corporations is getting more and more. To maintain sustainable strength, firms must considering their efforts to construct their capability. Considering value chain point of view, the most effective value added activities take place at both ends which are R&D and marketing sales. The case we study is successful because of brand value creation. The key reasons to success for this company are useful brand value innovation during the past eight years which help this company enjoy great sales from vary competitive auto industry. It is worth that we take a detail look into the key successful factor for this case. How they implement this brand value innovation and if the other companies can adapt those key actions or strategies they did? This discussion is based on case study to realize the selected company focused on brand value innovation when re-entered Taiwan auto market which made they success. The processes they took including: 1. Self diagnose and study the market trend. 2. Positioning and differentiation and target customer setting. 3. Full dimension brand management. 4. Innovative products introduction. 5. Channel value added innovation. The effectiveness of brand value innovation is rely on whether the brand positioning can avoid current competition, fit future market trend, delight target customers, differentiation from competitors and establish related advantage. To reach this purpose, firm must consider the physical value (product or service) that delivered to customer in terms of their feeling. We can increase consumers brand awareness, customer’s loyalty and additional profit which generals by premium price through brand value creation. The key reasons for selected company to success are: 1. Successful brand positioning. 2. Introduction of innovative products. 3. Full dimensions brand management. 4. Effective execution. It is obvious that selected company adapted right process and chose right direction during the development of brand value innovation which do help to brand value added. It almost proves the importance of brand value and equity which can be applied to other industries. Acer and Giant’s international brand building can be the perfect example for Taiwan enterprise. If we can pay more attention and resource on brand value creation and work on branding, product, channel and service together, combine with advantage differentiation which fulfill future market trend. With effective execution capability, the organization for sure will have a brilliant future.


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