  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Diversified Growth and Corporate Transformation

指導教授 : 李吉仁


面對IT產業的結構性變化,台灣電子科技業面臨殘酷的淘汰賽,身處其中的企業更面臨轉型變革的壓力,如何利用自身的優勢,採取有效的策略活動把自己變強變大,尋求多角化的成長,以降低產業變動的風險,成為本研究想要探討的核心議題。 為回答此一問題,本研究進行了個案式的研究,針對選取的個案企業,藉助產業分析、核心能力與商業模式的理論框架,首先發展並定義該公司的核心產品,並回頭檢視原有能力組合是否足夠應付新的核心產品所需。本研究同時探討該企業建立新的核心能力時,如何檢視調整公司的既有文化價值觀、組織架構與工作方法,以確保變革的成功。 本研究發現,企業當遇到產業結構調整時,必須重新檢視自己的核心能力,是否能延伸出新產品與新市場機會,這是最容易成功且省成本的做法,再其次才是開發新核心能力,因為,建立新核心能力至少要三年,必須有足夠的資金與時間。 同時,當組織開始有能力建立不同核心產品、面對不同市場及產業時,為達有效的資源管理,組織的分工結構就必須調整。建立企業總部與事業部的專業分工,以確保運作順利、產生綜效,並借助企業總部的有效運作,扶持新的事業部,不斷拉出新的成長曲線,方能提高企業多角化成長的成功機會。


The global IT industry has experienced significant structural change due to technology paradigm shift. As the manufacturing powerhouse for the IT industry globally, Taiwanese electronics industry is therefore facing a huge pressure of transformation..How can an industry player maintain its competence to survive from sever competition in the existing market while explore new growth opportunities in unfamiliar areas? Such strategic and organizational challenges motive the present thesie research. To achieve our research goals, we conduct a case-based exploration. Guided by several existing theoretical insights, such as industry analysis, core competency, and businesss model design, we study the processes of competence leverage and renewal occurred in the case company during the past years. In addition, we also examine how the company change its organization structure, processes and corporate culture to align with its new business configuration so that the transformation can reach its desired goals. Throughout the case exploration, we found that a firm has to immediately examine its sustainability of the existing core competencies when facing structural change. Priority issue will be to see if the existing core capabilities could be extended to capture new opportunities, which will be the most cost effective way of diversified growth. The next feasible alternative will be to invest in developing new competencies since it may take at least three years to create new competencies. While in the process of competence renewal, the organization has to ensure its internal managerial coherence by designing new divison of labor and managing synergies between new and existing businesss units. The establishment of corporate headquarters become critical to the success of corporate transformation. Only by constantly drive new growth curves can a company successfully adapt to external changes.


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