  • 學位論文


A case study on the growth strategies of the platform business

指導教授 : 邱奕嘉


平台企業已成為全球商業領域中不可忽視的一股力量,平台商業模式也不斷 在各行各業中顛覆既有商業模式,平台企業已逐漸成為學術界與實務界積極研究 的對象。諸多研究聚焦在平台企業如何顛覆既有商業模式、平台企業商業模式的 設計、平台企業如何透過補貼達成成長、平台生態系各階段理論等,但鮮有回應 平台企業從第一個細分市場成功後,該如何切入下一個細分市場。本文旨在呼應 覆蓋競爭,並提出一套有理論支持且得以落實至實務的方法,彌補現行研究的缺 口。 本研究以騰訊作為個案,並採用騰訊在完成通訊工具市場壟斷後相繼聚焦的 四個新細分市場,分別是門戶網、網路遊戲、C2C 電商及電腦安全市場。並透過 這四個事件驗證本研究提出的 MUS 架構與 3P 架構1。 本研究最終結論為 MUS 架構確實能協助平台企業選擇合適的新細分市場, 透過市場特性、用戶特性及服務特性三個構面解析挑戰者與既存者所屬之市場, 再搭配本研究提出的灘頭堡選擇策略與階梯策略,將能協助挑戰者找到最為合適 的新市場。而 4P 架構也著實能夠協助挑戰者與既存者競爭,透過定位、利潤池、 定價策略與寄生策略,將能幫助挑戰者找到合適的競爭手段。 最後本研究嘗試連結舊經濟的競爭策略,透過 MUS 架構及 4P 架構的詮釋, 搭建舊經濟與新經濟思維的落差,選擇舊經濟競爭策略中的資源基礎論與動態能 力理論,連結 MUS 架構及 4P 架構的各項度,協助無論是舊經濟或新經濟的學 者都能透過此架構更好理解平台企業的覆蓋競爭。也解除長期有不少新經濟學者 對於舊經濟完全不適用於新經濟領域的謬誤,也為舊經濟因為多年研究積累而設 置出不少不必要的限制解套。


Platform companies have been a strong trend in the current global business domain. The platform business model has changed the normal business among many industries. Due to this reason, the platform business model has been studied by both academic and practical. There are so many researches about how platform enterprise disrupted traditional business model, how to design the platform business model, how to use subsidy strategy to grow the platform company or stages theory of ecosystem. However, there is barely research about how to get into a new market with the success of its own market. This thesis is trying to offset this gap. This thesis uses Tencent as the case study, focusing on the four following markets: Portal website, Internet games, C2C e-commerce, and computer safety. In these four events, the thesis is going to use MUS model and 3P (after case analysis, then adjust to 4P) model which are proposed by the author. In conclusion, MUS indeed can help platform enterprises to find out the suitable new market by using three aspects: market feature, user feature, and service feature. Also, collocating with stairs strategy and beachhead selecting strategy, platform companies can find out the suitable new markets. Moreover, 4P model can help challenger platform enterprises find out the suitable competition strategy through position, profit pool, price strategy, and parasite strategy. Last, this research helps to connect with traditional economic thinking and new economic thinking. By connecting RBV, DCT and MUS model, 4P model. This can help to solve the bias that traditional economic theories cannot fit in new economic domain.


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