  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Profit Models of the Platform Business

指導教授 : 邱奕嘉


「平台商業模式(Platform)」不只存在於網路資訊服務,在眾多傳統產業中更是行之有年,例如仲介、市集等。但在新型態平台發展時,往往企業會著眼於利潤池較大、原本資源就多的一方,投資核心失準可能無法帶動平台網路外部性活絡。並且,也是本研究的重心,平台企業常僅能在自己所提供的服務範圍內,僅有單一的獲利基礎,限制平台的發展性與成長性,甚至成為隱憂。 本研究以台灣大車隊為個案質性深入分析,以「獲利基礎態樣」及「獲利基礎策略」之課題,探討各個事業體的形成,何以台灣大車隊相較同樣是計程車派遣車隊的其他公司,能發展出眾多不同的獲利基礎。在獲利上,台灣大車隊的派遣收入雖然仍持續增加,但整體比重僅14.3%,並有售車、廣告、快遞等額外收入;在平台經營上,也因加氣站、保修部、福利部等事業單位,鞏固了司機端群體,形成一個具綜效的多環狀的生態圈。 在本研究中可歸結,第一步必須從「平台生態圈之群體用戶」做考量,包含釐清核心定位平台與群體、共通群體經營運用、重疊群體的補貼模式,依序由上到下執行創新獲利基礎的延展。接著,則是要著重企業本身「平台投資與經營」,包含共通元件運用、新技術採納;以及「多平台間的綜效」,如改變定價模式與金流、釐清能耐結構,達到新舊平台間的協調與互補。本研究在最末,亦提出三點予台灣大車隊持續經營發展的建議,包含善用封閉的小型生態系、改善用戶環境以提升轉換成本、加強資料分析利用等,以期提供給傳產平台企業策略上不同的思考脈絡與選擇。


The “Platform Business Model” exists not only in the Internet services industry, but also traditional place. Most platform firm notice and invest into the group with larger profit pool. However, it might not be able to motivate the activity of platform network externality. Moreover, which is the main research question of study, a platform firm with single profit model has limitation of its profitability growth, and even be a future risk. In this study, a qualitative research of Taiwan Taxi Co., Ltd. was conducted. Compared to other taxi firm, Taiwan Taxi built up several additional platform and business as an ecosystem. It brought diversity profit model, and also consolidated the each group. Thus the study follows the frame of “Component of Profit Model” and “Strategy of Profit Model Development” to analyze the procedure of new business. In the conclusion of study, the first step must be considered from the “users group of platform ecosystem”, including clarification of the core of group. Application of groups’ needs and feature is key point for extending platform, and changing the cash flow. Furthermore, the “investment and operation of new platform” will be the basic of steadily development. Sometimes, accepting of new technology could reverse the relationship between each group. Finally, the “synergy across multiple platform” including the pricing model and the structure of core competency are crucial to achieve coordination and complementarity. Those suggestions for profit model in order to provide relative companies different reference of strategic choices.


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