  • 學位論文


The causes of disaster-induced panic buying for hoarding behavior on the masses

指導教授 : 許鉅秉


災害引發的恐慌購買與囤貨行為(Disaster-Induced Panic Buying for Hoarding) 在世界各國都經常發生,並且造成市場的動盪及社會情緒的恐慌,因此,這是政 府當局者必須面對與處理的問題,才能避免在重大災害後,又再發生二次傷害。 本研究探討一般民眾對於災害造成的囤貨行為、囤貨期望利益、災害引發的 情緒性反應、情緒感染及政府支援對於災害引發的恐慌購買及囤貨行為是否具有 關聯性。本研究以一般民眾為訪問對象進行問卷發放,並於回收後運用敘述性統 計、信效度分析、結構方程模式分析等方法,以檢驗研究之原假說模型,最後在 檢驗結果不佳的情況下提出新的假說模型並進行驗證。 依照分析的結果,本研究共得出 3 個結論,分別為: ㄧ、「災害造成的囤貨行為」正向影響「災害引發之恐慌購買與囤貨行為」。表 示當民眾愈想要囤貨,恐慌購買的情形就愈嚴重。 二、「災害囤貨造成的利益」正向影響「災害造成的囤貨行為」。表示民眾認為 囤貨有助於幫助其增加利益或規避損失,因此囤貨的意圖也提升。 三、「災害引發的情緒反與情緒感染」正向影響「災害引發之恐慌購買與囤貨行 為」。表示當社會上恐慌及害怕情緒愈強,民眾為囤貨而恐慌購買的清況也 愈嚴重。


Disaster-induced panic buying for hoarding behavior happens everywhere around the world, and causes market failure and panic emotions to the masses. Therefore, this is a problem that governments around the world need to handle in order to avoid secondary damage. The purpose of this study is to investigate hoe do “Attitude to risk-driven hoarding”, “Expectancy of hoarding-induced benefit”, “Disaster-induced affective response”, “Emotional inflection” and “Government support” affect “Disaster-induced panic buying for hoarding”. In this study, the author interviewed the masses with the questionnaire. After receiving all the questionnaire, the statistics of statements, reliability, effectiveness would be applied to test the hypothesis of the study. According to results of the statistics, there are 3 conclusions as the following: 1. “Attitude to risk-driven hoarding” would positively influence “Disaster-induced panic buying for hoarding”. Which means the more the masses try to hoard, the more serious the panic buying situation becomes. 2. “Expectancy of hoarding-induced benefit” would positively influence “Attitude to risk-driven hoarding”. Which means the masses find hoarding a helpful way to gain benefit and averse loss. 3. “Disaster-induced affective response and emotional inflection” would positively influence “Disaster-induced panic buying for hoarding”. Which means when the society is full of negative emotions like panic and fearful, the masses show their intention of panic-buying for hoarding more obviously.


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