  • 學位論文


Space of Hybrid Identification: The Cultural Performance and Sense of Place in Taipei Xia Hai City God Festival

指導教授 : 鄭芳婷


大稻埕的霞海迎城隍慶典在過去曾是風行全台的盛大慶典,隨著社會變遷,大型遶境不再年年舉辦,遶境也不復過往盛況。然而,隨著迪化街轉型為兼具觀光跟文化傳藝的歷史街區後,迎城隍慶典在近年發展出文化節模式,兼具現代的藝文展覽跟傳統的遶境表演。這樣的模式促成不同群體為了迎城隍而行動,建立出一個懷舊復刻、帶多重認同意義的時空。城隍信仰圈的老居民、返家創業者、新進店家雖然都各有對慶典的想像,但在慶典進行的時空中,他們重構的文化記憶也產生在地凝聚力。本研究欲透過分析2017年霞海迎城隍中的暗訪、遶境、水巡這三項活動來討論文化展演如何影響地方認同的建立與維繫,而社群在維繫傳統與突破保守桎梏間如何取得平衡。 本研究爬梳地方感、認同感、文化展演等研究,並整理慶典主辦的組織歷程跟變遷。之後以現場觀察輔以對活動參與者的半結構式訪談,並以符號意義來分析「暗訪」、「遶境」,「水巡」這三項活動。暗訪跟遶境是慶典的重頭戲,而水巡則是近年的新創儀式。這三項活動都有神明淨化與巡視轄境的意義,但因為表演內容跟活動性質而有許多差異。水巡進行了懷舊的景觀復刻,並結合體育活動的宣傳;而暗訪跟遶境跨越日常生活的空間,重申地域邊界,並重構了慶典記憶。 2017年的迎城隍慶典中有著多元景觀,活動的區分也展現新舊社群的分隔,但在這樣的混雜時空下,不同群體的記憶重構也建立出一種方向性的文化認同,這樣的文化認同存在缺乏溝通的風險,但也擁有開放的可能性。


The Birthday Celebration of Taipei Xia Hai City-God was once a famous event across Taiwan, but as time goes by, its fame ceased and large pilgrimage was no longer held annually. However, the celebration transformed into a cultural festival, after Dihua Street was preserved and turned into a historic district, tourist spot and art center. The new mode of festival has both modern art exhibition and traditional performances. This new mode allows different groups of people to participate, and they built a space of nostalgia atmosphere and multiple identification. These groups of people include local followers of City-God, store owners and employees of creative industry. They all have different expectation for the festival, but they create a kind of cultural memory which unites themselves. This research aims to observe the festival of 2017 through analysis of three activities: night time patrol parade, day time inspection tour, and water patrol parade, so as to discuss the influence of cultural performance upon local identification, and how the communities balance between maintaining tradition and surpassing the conservative. This research went through different fields, such as sense of place, identification, and cultural performance. It also reviewed the history of organization of the religious celebration. Then it discussed the three activities with field observation and semi-structured interviews with participants. Last it analyzed the symbols of the three parades. Night time patrol parade and day time inspection tour are the climax of the whole celebration, while water patrol parade is a newly invented activity. Though these three parades all have meaning of City-God’s purifying and patrolling his territory, their performances and characteristics are different. The water patrol parade recreated nostalgic spectacle and promoted other sport activities; while night time patrol parade and day time inspection tour strode across living space, emphasized territorial boundaries, and reconstructed the memory of the celebration. The 2017 Birthday Celebration of Taipei Xia Hai City-God had diverse spectacles, and the separation of activities indicated the gap between old and new communities. However, in this hybrid space, different groups create a direction of cultural identification with memory reconstruction. Though this kind of identification has risk of lack of communication, it also has potential of openness.


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王霄冰,〈文字、儀式與文化記憶〉,《江西社會科學》,2, 2007, 237-244。
