  • 學位論文


Study on Promotion and Sustainability of Urban Agriculture-A Case Study of Farm City in Taipei

指導教授 : 張靜貞


都市農業的發展呈現多元,世界各國都開始推動食農教育或可食地景,拉近都市與農業的距離,以因應氣候變遷及全球公衛危機衍生的緊急糧食需求。臺灣是已發展國家,也是都市農業的晚進,大多數城市正處於推廣都市農業的起步階段,尚存在不少問題和不足,成為國內推廣都市農業的重要課題。本研究透過文獻探討及深度訪談國內相關單位,了解推廣田園城市的方法、成效,並進一步了解其遭遇到的問題,以及提供改善之道及解方,並從中探討及歸納我國發展都市農業的策略及永續之道。 研究結果顯示人力為共通的問題,影響田園城市的傳承及永續發展。針對個案分析,建議以成立委員會、整合統籌相關資源、並導入科技元素等方法,解決所遭遇的問題。由於政府扮演著引領國內都市農業發展的總舵手,建議針對都市農業成立專屬部門,統籌相關政策及人力,充實推廣都市農業所需的知識與技能,從小即灌輸國人食物得來不易的觀念,持續檢討推廣都市農業所需的法源依據,並規劃出適合我國永續發展的都市農業型態,讓都市農業成為食農教育的一環,並融入市民的日常生活中。


Various types of urban agriculture (UA) has been developed worldwide by food and agricultural education or edible landscaping, which shorten the distance between urban and agriculture, to meet urgent demands for foods due to climate change and public health crisis. Taiwan, as a developed country, is a follower of urban agriculture. Many cities within Taiwan do not have much experience, which is an issue to be discussed. This study conducts literature review and in-depth interviews to study the promotion of Farm City in Taipei with focuses on the approaches, outcomes and problems. Using Taipei as a model city, this study will also try to provide solutions and identify sustainable strategies to develop urban agriculture for Taiwan. This study finds that manpower is the core problem to be addressed, which affects the passing on and sustainability of urban agriculture. For the case study, this study suggests that establishment of a committee, consolidation of possible resources, and introduction of new technologies are needed to solve the problems. Because government plays a key role in the development of urban agriculture, this study also suggests that there should be a special taskforce to be in charge of the management. The taskforce should coordinate related policies and manpower, promote the concept that food is valuable to younger generations, and constantly review the legislations needed to support urban agriculture. The development plan should also be localized in order to bring urban agriculture an integral part of food and agricultural education and to engage citizens actively in the daily life of their communities.


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