  • 學位論文


A Study of Opportunities and Challenges of Marketing Innovation in the Medical Device Industry in the Post-COVID-19 Epidemic Era

指導教授 : 陳家麟


隨著全球人口逐漸呈現高齡化社會,再加上人們生活條件的提升,精緻飲食的過度攝取,伴隨而來的醫療商機不容忽視。除了大型財團紛紛成立醫療保健部門,有不少科技公司也跨足醫療生技產業,促使該產業的競爭情勢日益升高。根據2020年醫療器材年鑑預估2019 ~ 2022年的複合成長率約為5.6%。 醫藥公司傳統行銷作法都是積極參與各大大小小專科醫學活動,藉此活動與現有客戶及潛在客戶接觸。但2016年12月政府頒布一例一休新制勞動基準法法條,為符合政府規定,各醫藥公司開始著手檢討假日參與醫學會/研討會之必要性和配套措施。 由於醫療體系龐大複雜之人際關係,為了維持與特定人士之關係,還是必須持續贊助及參展於各大小醫學會議,僅在人力配置上由全天候改為輪班制。但這大家習以為常的行銷推廣活動,因2020年年初爆發全球性傳染病COVID-19,徹底改變了人類的生活型態,加速了網際網路的應用,成為人與人之間「最安全的距離」。 本研究透過半結構式訪談,找出醫生們參加醫學會/研討會的顧客任務、痛點及獲益;同時針對個案公司以資料分析法整理出其價值地圖,透過價值適配找出可能足以滿足顧客需求的價值主張。在本研究結論提供個案公司可從兩大方面著手改善:(1) 數位化行銷策略 (2)價值主張圖。研討會的形式不是重點,只要符合顧客素描中的重要需求及場景就可以「適配」成功了。


With the gradual emergence of an aging society in the global population, coupled with the improvement of people's living conditions, and the excessive intake of refined diets, the accompanying medical business opportunities cannot be ignored. In addition to large consortia that have set up Health Care Departments, many technology companies have also stepped into the medical and biotechnology industry; making the industry increasingly competitive. According to 2020 Medical Devices Industry Yearbook, she estimated 2019 - 2022 compound annual growth rate of Medical Devices is about 5.6%. The traditional marketing practice of pharmaceutical companies is to actively participate in various specialized medical activities, in order to contact existing customers and potential customers. However, the Ministry of Labor announced one new statute of the Labor Standards Law so called 『One rest day one day off』in Dec. of 2016. To comply with government regulations, various pharmaceutical and Medical Devices companies began to conduct monthly review their attendance rate and backfill plans. Due to the huge and complex interpersonal relationship of the medical system, in order to maintain the relationship with specific people, it is necessary to continue to sponsor and participate in various 「face-to-face」medical conferences, and only the manpower allocation is changed from round-the-clock to shift system. However, there were many medical conferences and seminars changed to【on-line】due to a global epidemic COVID-19 in the beginning of 2020. People's lifestyle were changed from off-line to on-line, IoT became 「the most secure and safe distance 」. This research uses semi-structured interviews to find out the Customer Jobs, Customer Pains, and Customer Gains of doctors participating in medical associations/seminars. At the same time, the company uses data analysis to sort out its Value Map to FIT customer needs to generate the【Value Propositions】. This research conclusion provides the studied company to improve from two aspects: (1) Digital Marketing Strategy;(2) Value Proposition Map. The format of the seminar is not the focus on the important needs or scenes in the Customer Profile, it can be "FIT" successfully.


一、 中文文獻
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