  • 學位論文

教育體系的創建、維持與擴散: 台灣華德福教育體系的發展

The creation, maintenance and diffusion of education system:The developments of Waldorf education in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林國明


隨著台灣實驗教育的知名度上升與法制化,華德福教育成為在台灣代表性的一種實驗教育體系。本研究以制度論探討華德福教育體系在台灣制度化與制度擴散的歷史過程與機制,以回答教育社會學關於教育體系如何創建、維持與擴散的學科基本提問,並且補充台灣實驗教育領域對家長教育選擇權的討論。本研究發現華德福教育體系並不是單被社會的技術功能需求與階級衝突決定其體系的創建,也不是單純被家長選擇而成為一個教育體系。本研究發現華德福教育能夠成為教育體系的原因如下:第一,華德福教育體系與其他同在實驗教育場域內的團體相比,有一套系統性的理論去引導其實作,使其在組織內部結構、教育目標和對外的互動策略上都有可指引的理論來源。第二,華德福教育特有充滿儀式感的師資培訓體系使其在招募華德福教師的同時讓受訓者除了擁有教學能力,也培育出能夠運用資源、制定策略的制度實業家去推動華德福教育制度化。第三, 華德福教育的制度化鑲嵌在制度環境的變遷中。除了媒體在此變遷過程中運用論述策略改變社會對華德福教育的認知模式,實驗教育合法化也讓轉型成華德福學校變為有裁併危機之公立學校的解方。而華德福教育的制度實業家在合法化過程的結盟與遊說努力,也使華德福教育團體從體制外單位外溢至體制內。


In this thesis, I adopt the theoretical framework of institutionalism to examine the historical process and mechanism behind Waldorf education’s institutionalization. With the legalization of experimental education, Waldorf education has become the most influential and presentative experimental education in Taiwan. This thesis aims to use Waldorf education’s success as an example to explore the basic academic concern of education sociology which is about the creation, maintenance and diffusion of education systems. This thesis argues that the success of the Waldorf education system in Taiwan could not be explained by only techno-functionalism or conflict theory, nor can it be interpreted by parental choice. The results suggest that first of all, Waldorf education’s teacher training program filled with rituals not only cultivates Waldorf teachers but also creates institutional entrepreneurs who are able to mobilize resources to institutionalize Waldorf education. Secondly, Waldorf education’s institutionalization is embedded in the change of institutional environments. Apart from the media using discursive strategies to change the society’s cognitive model toward Waldorf education, the legalization of experimental education also makes transforming to Waldorf school a reasonable option for public schools with an insufficient number of students. Also, Waldorf education’s institutional entrepreneurship during the legalization assures Waldorf education groups essential participation in the process of Experimental Education Review Committee. Third, the Waldorf education system has a systematic theory that no other experimental group has, to guide its organizational structure, its educational goal and its strategic interaction with other social groups.


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