  • 學位論文


Exploring Future Images of Taiwan’s Citizen Media

指導教授 : 陳國華


在網際網路與行動通訊的發展下,人們對媒體概念逐漸解構,而新的資訊傳遞和產製方式,也締造了新的市場、生活與社會樣貌;單向傳遞資訊來產生影響已不若往昔,具有雙向傳遞的產製型態、資通訊科技的多元組合、大數據與雲端共構等多重特性的媒體,則重新組合我們對媒體與社會的認知。台灣的公民媒體藉由這些特性,開創了可互動、共作和凝聚群體智慧的平台,並在政治、經濟、教育和文化等社會各層面產生諸多影響;然這樣的特性其實也加速了價值觀的衝擊、社會發展變遷等不穩定因素。 本研究以未來學研究法與半結構式訪談,釐清公民社會發展過程與公民媒體之相互影響、分析出形塑台灣未來公民媒體的共構力量與媒體科技的延展,如公民資料雲、虛擬主播和社區分眾媒體平台等,另外也以情節分析法,勾勒出理想(V托邦)、整合(天空之城)、不願承認(無間道)和異變(全面進化)等四種不同公民媒體情節與社會樣態,等並以上述基礎來探索台灣公民媒體之未來樣貌,藉此提供公民媒體的使用者、經營或監督者,在研究其未來發展時之參考。


The drastic trend of emerging information and communication technologies have deconstructed the concept of media, and new way of getting information transferred and production. Also, creating a new market, life and social appearance. The direct impact from the information and news content has been weakened. Moreover, the interactive transferred production system patterns, diversified combination of ICT technologies, big data and common characteristics of cloud structure, such as multiple media has been reassembled and usher a brand new understanding of media and society. Taiwan’s media of citizen owns these features which creates a platform for Co-production, Swarm Intelligence, and becomes influential at political, economic, educational and cultural community. This research aims at clarifying the interaction process of developing civil society and citizen media, analyzing the forces which shaping the future of constitutive citizen media in Taiwan, and elaborating extended media technology and imagination by futures studies method and semi-structured interviews. For instance, professional database on internet for citizen reporters, virtual anchor, platform of demassification in communities. Applying scenarios analysis, four possibilities: the ideals, the mixed, the disowned, and the outlier. Four corresponding stories of the citizen media are: V-topia, Sky City, Infernal Road and Total Evolution. The results may provide insights to not only citizen media users, operators but also supervisors as a reference for their research of development in the future.


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