  • 學位論文


A study on the Quality Assurance System of Higher Education in the Netherlands

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究採用文件分析法及個案分析法,主要探討荷蘭高等教育品質保證制度。主要目的包括:(一)瞭解歐盟高等教育重要政策的內涵;(二)探討歐盟推動高等教育品質保證支柱重要策略與方案;(三)探討荷蘭高等教育制度之發展沿革與現況;(四)剖析荷蘭高等教育品質保證機制建構與運作之情形;(五)探討在歐盟高教相關政策影響下,荷蘭高等教育品質保證制度運作之情形;(六)透過個案研究,深入瞭解荷蘭高等教育品質保證實際執行之結果;(七)根據研究發現,提出可供我國未來研訂高等教育品質保證相關政策之參考建議。 本研究之主要發現或結論有: 一、荷蘭高等教育制度及其品質保證制度,近年來均以歐盟政策為依歸,而進行調整修正。 二、歐盟高等教育的政策是以在2010年建構完成「歐洲高等教育區」為目標,且其高等教育最強調的重點工作是促成跨國之師生流動。 三、歐盟為促進跨國之流動,積極要求各國建立「三層級」學位體系,及推動「學分轉換與累積」制度。 四、透過高等教育品質保證網絡(ENQA)所訂定的《歐洲高等教育品質保證標準與準則》成為「波隆那歷程」簽署國執行高等教育品質保證的參考依據。 五、荷蘭的高等教育制度在2002年進行改革調整,正式建立「三層級」學位體系。 六、荷蘭實行高等教育教學與研究方面之品質保證制度,是為了達成大學自主、績效責任與品質改善等目的。 七、荷蘭高等教育教學品質方面的保證是透過學程認可制度進行,其認可效力為期6年;研究方面的品質保證則主要以研究型大學為範圍,由各校自主進行研究評鑑,於外部研究評鑑時以學門評鑑為主。 八、荷蘭的高等教育品質保證制度亦配合其雙軌制高等教育體系,為不同類型的學校建構有不同的評鑑指標。 九、荷蘭高等教育學程認可學程之認可運作程序,依申請之學程性質區分為「既有學程」及「新設立學程」兩種;若申請認可之學程未達認可標準,則NVAO認可機構可延緩公佈學程認可結果。 十、荷蘭教學品質方面歷經三層嚴謹之負責單位來完成品質保證工作,其認可結果公佈後,未牽連經費補助議題;然而研究品質保證卻與經費撥款掛勾。 十一、荷蘭Twente大學與海牙專業大學雖分屬不同類型高等教育機構,但兩校內部品質保證體系皆設有專責評鑑單位負責執行,且已建立其自我評鑑的機制。 十二、Twente大學與海牙專業大學兩校學位學程之認可皆以NVAO之認可指標與參考架構為依歸,Twente大學並建立研究方面之自我評鑑機制。


荷蘭 高等教育 品質保證


This study mainly, via adopting the method of document analysis and case study, aims to explore the system of quality assurance of higher education in the EU first, and thereafter with a focus on the study of the Netherlands. In addition to explore the quality assurance system of higher education in the Netherlands in general, two universities-- Twente University, and De Haagse Hogeschool (the Hague University) -- were chosen as examples for case studies. The main conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. The higher education system and its quality assurance system in the Netherlands have been reformed in response to the EU’s policies related. 2. The establishment of the “European higher education area” in 2010 has been the ultimate goal of the EU’s policy, with an aim of promoting cross-border mobility of teachers and students. 3. The implementation of the three cycles’ degree system has been emphasized by the EU, and the introduction of the scheme of the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) has been encouraged as well. 4. The ENQA’s “Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education” has been regarded as the main reference while conducting the quality assurance process in higher education in member countries of the “Bologna Process”. 5. Higher education system in the Netherlands has undergone fundamental reforms in 2002 in accordance with the EU’s policy of establishing the “three cycles” degree system. 6. The Quality of higher education in the Netherlands are assured by conducting teaching assessment through program accreditation in all of the higher education institutions, and by research assessment in the sector of academic-oriented universities mainly. 7. The program accreditation in the Netherlands is mainly conducted by the NVAO, and programs being accredited are classified into two main types: “existing degree courses” and “new degree courses” respectively. 8. Both Twente University and the Hague University have established their own internal quality assurance mechanisms.


楊瑩(2007d)。波隆那歷程的倫敦公報─ 歐盟波隆那宣言簽署二十周年時的「績效清查」舞台。評鑑期刊,第10期,頁57-60。
楊瑩(2007a)。歐洲高等教育區高等教育品質保證機制之探討。此為國科會專題研究計畫《英國與歐盟高等教育品質保證制度之研究(II)》之成果摘要報告,執行期間:2006年 8月至2007年7月。編號為:NSC95-2413- H- 032-003-。


