  • 學位論文


The contribution of Exhibition in Cities’ Image Marketing: A Case Study on French Pavilion during Shanghai World Expo Exhibition

指導教授 : 苑倚曼


21 世紀全球化的影響,為各城市間帶來激烈的競爭,城市發展也成為了代 表國家的重要指標。許多城市積極找尋與開發地方上的潛在資源,除了塑形城市 形象、建立基礎建設、改善城市生活機能,亦採「行銷」的方式以提升城市知名 度與美譽度,使之成為外界關注的焦點,吸引外來的投資進入。 城市行銷需要透過完善的架構,整合各方面使之成為行銷之主體。現今城 市行銷之趨勢通常利用「事件」(event,亦稱活動)作為行銷方針,例如舉辦或 參與大型活動、展覽、賽事等,透過事件行銷來引發聚焦、聚眾,且製造話題。 本篇論文以 2010 上海世界博覽會之法國館探討展館對巴黎城市之形象表 現,並透過科特勒「城市行銷」理論中之四項行銷要素對本案例進行分析與研究。 評析如何以展覽作為城市行銷最有利的事件方針,以短期具時效性之活動來行銷 巴黎的城市特色。


In the 21st century, globalization increases the competitions among cities. The urban development also becomes an important symbol of a country’s power. Many cities are active to seek and develop the potential local resources. In addition, they shape the city’s images to build infrastructure and improve the living functions. Also, they adopt “marketing” to get better reputation and more popularity that make the city to win some focus and attract foreign investments from worldwide. “City marketing” is a comprehensive framework, which needs to be a subject by integrating all aspects, for instance, political, economic, and cultural... etc. Nowadays, city marketing usually uses “event” (also known as “activity”) to be a marketing method, such as organizing or participating in events, exhibitions, and activities... etc., which may help a city get more focus. In this thesis, the French pavilion in 2010 Shanhai World Expo is the main case. By investigating and analyzing the performance of Paris in the pavilion by the theory of Kotler’s “city marketing”, we discovered the effects on city marketing from this case. As a key of an effective event, we could know how the French pavilion sells Paris’ characteristics.


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