  • 學位論文


The Research of Spatial Creativity and Experience Strategy at Temporary Venues from the Perspective of Culture and Creativity : Denmark Pavilion at 2010 Shanghai World Expo

指導教授 : 魏主榮


本研究主要為研究臨時性展場空間中的創意展現與體驗策略,探討臨時性展場、展示設計、體驗策略、文創等相關文獻,並統整各種設計方法,歸納出一屬於臨時性展場創意展現的初步檢視架構,繼而針對2010年上海世博中的丹麥館與其他部分展館實際田野調查,解析其展場設計架構、運用元素及呈現出的展覽象徵意涵與展示作用,藉此分析丹麥館如何將之城市創意及元素融入臨時性展場,創造且增加參觀者的內心印象與認同感,以此建構臨時性展場的策展與設計原則,並期望能做為台灣臨時性展場發展未來之借鏡。 本研究擬達成的目標有四,研究結果主要如下: 一、探討世博丹麥館的展示設計特性與完整性:上海世博丹麥館成功的解構了哥本哈根這座城市的元素,並輔以故事性的主軸讓參觀者深刻的了解其城市特質。透過將城市塑造為展場;生活營造為展示,把城市的意象套用在展場的外觀、照明、形體等硬體設計中,再讓生活中的移動行為的用品與生活意象的影片成為展場中的軟體。如此圍繞著完整主軸的操作手法,是這屆上海世博也是現階段大部分臨時性展場所缺乏的關鍵性元素。 二、建構臨時性展場(文化空間)的創意展現檢核表:以文獻理論為基礎所建構出的展場檢核表,目的並不在於評斷臨時性展場的優劣好壞,而是希望能夠提供策展人或是策展團隊一個檢視展場是否符合策展目的及展覽需求的指標。 三、提出適用於臨時性展場的設計方向參考:根據國內臨時性展場目前的現況與本研究之研究結果,得到了「展示設計的再重視、新型態展示科技的合理運用、展示主題與展場整體營造的完整度、文創概念與體驗策略的審慎執行」四大方向。


Temporary venues, or ad-hoc venues, are common delivery media in modern society as the messages of organizers are delivered via two aspects: main venue and theme presentation. An ad-hoc venue provides visitors information including the purpose of the exhibition, its background, features and cultural implications, feeding visitors knowledge. In recent years, visitor demand has been beyond browsing over displays. Rather, allowing experience and interaction can give visitors a stronger impression and a fuller understanding of exhibition. Temporary venues, with story-like and entertaining packages, create a specific experience and journey at a given time, offer visitors a series of memorable moments, and deliver the messages of organizer through complete performances. The theme of 2010 Shanghai World Expo was “Better City, Better Life”, for which participating countries contributed their respective ideas and visions for urban life. Unlike most other countries that chose to dedicate different design strategies to main architecture and indoor presentation, the Denmark pavilion incorporated both, comprehensively. This research works on the presentation of creativity and experience strategy for exploration in outdoors and indoor areas of a venue. The Denmark pavilion at 2010 Shanghai World Expo successfully deconstructed the urban elements of Copenhagen, and impressed visitors profoundly with features of the city. Unlimited imagination and infinite understanding were unleashed given limited space, limited time and limited resources. This is a critical element that most temporary venues lack at the present. This research focuses on analyzing presentation of creativity and experience strategy in Denmark pavilion, and renders an overall comparison with other pavilions. By identifying how Denmark pavilion incorporated the creativity and urban element of its cities into the temporary venue, the research reveals how impression and recognition are built. The findings and conclusions are expected to be future reference.


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