  • 學位論文


The Key Success Factors of Cross-Industry Micro-entrepreneurship – A Case Study of Former High School Teachers

指導教授 : 洪英正 張敬珣


中文摘要 有了教師證就一定可以當教師嗎?「教師」的鐵飯碗不見了?我國師資培育制度自1994年開放多元自由培育機制後,每年產出約兩萬位候用教師,目前未任職人數共有60,628人,可見流浪教師滿街跑。 當職場生涯面臨決擇轉換的當口,「創業」未必不是一個人生轉變的契機。正如電影「侏羅紀公園」(Jurassic Park)中的名言:“Life will find the way out”。 為了探討因少子化之衝擊下,本研究以質化研究方式探討7位中學離職教師跨行創業歷程中的人格特質、創業動機、創業策略、創業績效及創業成敗之關係做分析研究,歸納中學教師微型創業歷程中跨行創業成功關鍵因素並提出以下命題: 命題1. 成功的創業教師必須是對於當下的工作有著熱誠的態度。 命題2. 成功的創業教師的人格特質傾向為內控,大多數認為命運是掌握在自己的手中,成功失敗都應予以接受。執著而真誠。 命題3. 成功的創業教師有不認輸的個性,目標明確而執著。 命題4. 成功創業教師在自我認知上大多數自我感覺良好。對於自己的評價是正面而且積極! 命題5. 成功的創業教師是受家人支持,財務和資訊資持也是不可獲缺的要素。 命題6. 成功的創業教師所擁有越多的創業資源成功的機會越大 命題7. 成功的創業教師對於大環境越了解,越能掌握機會,善用優勢,日後成功的機會越大


Abstract With teaching certificate must be able to be a teacher? "Teachers" secure job is gone? An open, pluralistic free cultivation mechanism system of teacher education in Taiwan since 1994 and produce the annual output of about twenty thousands designate teachers. Right now total 60,628 qualified teachers but not currently serving were seen as wandering run the streets. When facing career transition, people may think about that the business venture may be a life-changing opportunity. Just as the famous saying in the movie "Jurassic Park", said: “Life will find the way out.” In order to investigate the impact of the declining birthrate, this study use the qualitative approach with 7 high teachers as samples who had left schools and tried to be entrepreneurs. We analyze the journey as an entrepreneur by variables like personality traits, entrepreneurial motivation, entrepreneurial strategies, entrepreneurial performance and business success. And we summarize the key success factors for micro-entrepreneurship business by high school teachers who had terminated the teachers’ career as following propositions: 1. The successful entrepreneurial teachers must had dedicated attitude for the current works. . 2. The successful entrepreneurial teachers are prone to have the internal control personality, and most of them believe that fates are in their own hands. No matter success or failure should be accepted. They express traits like persistent and sincere. 3. The successful entrepreneurial teachers have high tolerance of frustrations. They are targeted and persistent. 4. The successful entrepreneurial teachers have good self concept, and evaluate themselves as positive and active. 5. The successful entrepreneurial teachers have the support of their family, and the entrepreneurial resources like finance and information are necessary. 6. The successful entrepreneurial teachers who will succeed easier when they get more entrepreneurial resources. 7. The successful entrepreneurial teachers who have the more understanding of the environment will be able to grasp the opportunity to make good use of the advantages and have the greater chances of success in the future


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