  • 學位論文


A study of the relationships among background factors, teaching beliefs, and teaching behaviors-with an example of English cram school in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 何俐安博士


台灣於1998年教育部公佈「國民教育階段九年一貫課程總綱綱要」將英語列入課綱,學習英語在現今的教育環境中已儼然成為教育中受重視的一環。家長們為了強化孩子本身的競爭力及占有先機,故多尋求補教課程。補教產業的興盛讓大量的語文科系畢業者進入沒有嚴格規範的美語補教產業,老師的人力資源與教學品質的相關研究仍相當稀少。因此,美語補習教育師資的教學信念與教學行為,成為重要的研究議題。研究者採用問卷調查法,發放1,000份問卷,實際回收673份問卷,回收率為67.3%;經過問卷審核並剔除具有遺漏值,以及填答有邏輯廟謬誤的問卷後,有效問卷計552份,有效回收率為55.2%。研究結果發現: 1不同背景變項的美語補習班教師,其教學信念各層面有顯著差異。性別、任教年資、教育程度、補習班規模,以及班級大小,都對教學信念各層面有影響,而職務別對教學信念各層面未有顯著影響。 2.背景變項的美語補習班教師,其教學行為各層面有顯著差異。性別、任教年資、教育程度、補習班規模,以及班級大小,都對教學行為各層面有影響,而職務別對教學行為各層面未有顯著影響。 3.不同補習班背景變項的美語補習班教師,其教學信念各層面有顯著差異。 4.不同補習班背景變項的美語補習班教師,其教學行為各層面有顯著差異。 5.美語補習班教師之信念對其教學行為有顯著正向的影響


In 1998, the Ministry of Education of Taiwan announced that English was included in the syllabus of the "Nine-Year Consistent Curriculum Outline for National Education". In 2006, more than 60% of parents sent their children to English cram school. Elementary school students who have begun to learn English before school age account for 40% of the total number. In addition, after entering elementary school, the number of students participating in after-school English cram school was as high as 79.62%. The prosperity of the supplementary education industry has allowed a large number of Chinese graduates to enter the English language supplementary education industry that is not strictly regulated. The research on teachers' human resources and teaching quality is still very rare. Therefore, the teaching beliefs and teaching behaviors of English tutoring teachers have become important research topics. The researcher used the questionnaire survey method to hand out 1,000 questionnaires, and actually retrieved 673 questionnaires, with a recovery rate of 67.3%. After the questionnaires were reviewed and the questionnaires with missing values and logical temple errors were removed, the valid questionnaires totaled 552. The effective recovery rate is 55.2%. The results of the study are as follows: 1. English cram school teachers with different background variables have significant differences in their teaching beliefs. Gender, length of teaching, education level, size of cram schools, and class size all have an impact on all levels of teaching beliefs, while job positions have no significant impact on all levels of teaching beliefs. 2. English cram school teachers with different background variables have significant differences in their teaching behavior at all levels. Gender, length of teaching, education level, size of cram school, and class size all have an impact on all levels of teaching behavior, while job position has no significant impact on all levels of teaching behavior. 3. English cram school teachers with different tuition class background variables have significant differences in their teaching beliefs. 4. English cram school teachers with different tuition class background variables have significant differences in all levels of teaching behavior. 5. The beliefs of English cram school teacher have a significant positive influence on their teaching behavior.


