  • 學位論文


A Study on Engineering Properties of Warm Mix Stone Mastic Asphalt

指導教授 : 劉明仁


熱拌瀝青混凝土產業產生大量溫室氣體且消耗大量能源,研究如何節能減碳已成為各國瀝青混凝土產業努力發展的方向。溫拌瀝青混凝土(warm mix asphalt, WMA)是一種可在較低溫度下拌合、鋪築及壓實之瀝青混凝土,值得國內推廣使用。石膠泥瀝青混凝土(stone matrix asphalt, SMA)源自於60年代的德國,研究指出SMA具有比傳統密級配瀝青混凝土更佳之耐久性、抗車轍、輪胎與鋪面摩擦、降低噪音及抗疲勞等能力,被世界各國廣泛應用於高速公路、重交通量、機場等路面。 本研究回顧國內外相關文獻,採用SasobitR、RedisetR WMX與產品C等溫拌添加劑,根據黏滯度試驗結果,決定溫拌石膠泥瀝青混凝土之拌合與滾壓溫度,進行各項工程性質之實驗室研究,以供溫拌石膠泥瀝青混凝土應用之參考。依據本研究試驗結果與分析,獲得初步結論如下: 1. 本研究分別以1.5%、2.5%添加量之溫拌劑SasobitR及RedisetR WMX加入瀝青膠泥中,黏滯度試驗結果顯示添加溫拌劑可降低高溫時瀝青膠泥之黏滯度,因而可降低瀝青混凝土拌合與滾壓溫度,在溫度低於凝固點時則會提供瀝青膠泥勁度。 2. 本研究間接張力強度試驗結果可看出,添加溫拌劑瀝青混凝土之間接張力強度值皆高於控制組。變異數分析與多重比較之結果則顯示,使用溫拌劑組別之間接張力強度值皆高於控制組(CNSⅢ),各種溫拌劑組別間之差異則在統計上不顯著。 3. 本研究AASHTO T283試驗結果可看出,未添加石灰時,僅有RedisetR WMX 符合規範之要求(浸水殘餘強度比值70%以上)。添加石灰後,僅有SasobitR 2.5%無法達到規範之要求。添加石灰組別之TSR高於未添加石灰之組別。 4. 本研究回彈模數試驗結果可看出,添加溫拌劑瀝青混凝土之回彈模數值皆高於控制組。變異數分析與多重比較之結果亦顯示,除添加1.5% SasobitR之回彈模數值與控制組無差異外,添加溫拌劑皆有增加回彈模數值之現象。除添加1.5% SasobitR外,各種添加劑與添加量組別間之差異則在統計上不顯著。 5. 本研究靜態潛變試驗結果可看出,添加溫拌劑瀝青混凝土之回彈模數值皆高於控制組。變異數分析與多重比較之結果則顯示,除添加2.5% SasobitR與2.5% RedisetR WMX之潛變模數較高外,其他各種添加溫拌劑組別與控制組間之差異則在統計上不顯著。 6. 本研究車轍輪跡試驗結果可看出,添加溫拌劑瀝青混凝土之動穩定值皆高於或等於控制組,顯示使用溫拌劑並無增加車轍之疑慮。變異數分析與多重比較之結果則顯示,除添加2.5% RedisetR WMX之動穩定值最高外,其他各種添加溫拌劑組別與控制組間之差異則在統計上不顯著。 7. 本研究以試驗結果排序與試驗結果標準化分數兩種評比方式作比較。兩種評比方式結果可發現,各添加溫拌劑組別之優劣順序大致相同:R2.5>S2.5>R1.5>S1.5>CNSⅢ,其中2.5% RedisetR WMX試驗組表現最好,且均優於控制組(CNSⅢ)。


Warm mix asphalt (WMA) is a new technology of producing asphalt mixtures with reduced energy consumption and emissions. The mixing and compacting temperatures of WMA are lower than that of traditional HMA. On the other hand, stone matrix asphalt (SMA) utilizing stone-on-stone contact produces highly stable aggregate skeleton which can effectively improve the resistance to rutting. This laboratory study was conducted to investigate the performance of the warm mix stone matrix asphalt using WMA additives. In the study, 2 dosage rates (1.5% and 2.5% by weight of binder) of each additive, SasobitR and RedisetR WMX, were selected to evaluate their effects and to determine the optimum addition rate. Major conclusions of our study were summarized as follows: 1. The viscosity test results showed that the binders containing WMA additives had decreased viscosity at higher temperature to give lower mixing and compacting temperatures, and increased viscosity at lower temperature resulting in more stiff mixtures. 2. The laboratory results also showed that the indirect tensile strength of the warm mix stone matrix asphalt increased with higher WMA additive dosage rate. 3. The AASHTO T283 test results showed that only the RedisetR WMX met the requirement (of TSR greater than 70%) without the addition of hydrated lime. The addition of hydrated lime gave improved performance as an anti-stripping agent. 4. The resilient modulus test results showed that warm mix additives could increase the resilient modulus of the warm mix stone matrix asphalt with higher WMA additive dosage rate. 5. The static creep test results indicated that the creep modulus of the warm mix stone matrix asphalt increased with higher WMA additive dosage rate. 6. The wheel tracking test results indicated that the dynamic stability (DS) of the warm mix stone matrix asphalt increased with higher WMA additive dosage rate. 7. Based on the ranking order and standardized scores results of this study, the overall performance order of the warm mix stone matrix asphalt was found to be R2.5>S2.5>R1.5>S1.5>CNS in which the 2.5% RedisetR WMX was the best.


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