  • 學位論文


Study of United Chinese Association Sibu Divison Sarawak (1977-1997)

指導教授 : 黃建淳


本文以「砂拉越詩巫華人社團聯合會」為主題,研究斷限聚焦於其成立以降的二十年。事實上,該會不僅是砂拉越第一個省級華人社團聯合會,其於政治參與、經濟活動、華文教育、社會公益等領域貢獻卓著,斐聲於砂華社會。在早已存有若干華族政黨及各類志願性組織(voluntary association)的砂華社會中,何以會出現此種形式的社團聯合會?其產生的時代背景為何?於當地社會扮演著何種角色?該組織的出現標示著什麼樣的時代意義?又其與華族政黨及其他自願性組織的關係又是如何?著實令人好奇。 為了嘗試回答上述問題,本文以砂拉越的歷史發展為經,華社組織形態為緯,依序分析各時期自願性組織的發展。基本上,這種宏觀的角度有助於釐清「華人社團聯合會」產生的時代背景與意義,再者,透過對當地華社結構與社團運作模式的了解與掌握,除了能予其適當的評價外,希望以「詩巫省華人社團聯合會」為中心的討論,具體呈現砂州華社變遷的縮影。研究方法上,本研究則試圖結合「歷史社會學」(historical sociology)與文獻分析、田野調查諸領域,以掖助因果關係的解釋。 戰後砂拉越華人社團的發展與演變受到一定政治、經濟、文化因素的影響,其組織的形態也呈現時代的特徵,足以印證外在環境變遷造成人類團體改變的痕跡。本文由歸納政治、社會等面向的客觀因素,分析戰後社會發展之趨勢,以求索聯合會產生的時代背景。再者,聯合會的內部組織架構及外部網絡關係,亦是本文探究的重點之一。最後,則針對該會的社會活動內容加以分析,進而勾稽出「砂拉越詩巫華人社團聯合會」於砂華社會中的特殊地位。 海外華人社會組織的研究中,詩巫華人社團聯合會除了自身時空條件的特殊性,也具有一定程度的代表性。著眼於國人對東馬,特別是砂拉越華人發展的了解仍十分有限,作者冀期透過史料排比及理論剖析,為相關領域稍事補白。對砂拉越(詩巫)華社而言,本文則由歷史學及社會學的角度,析論砂華社會組織變遷之梗概,為當地讀者提供若干不同的學術性視野。


The United Chinese Association Sibu Division Sarawak, known as UCA Sibu, established in 1977. In fact, the UCA Sibu is the first provincial Chinese association and it is contributive to the politics, economics, Chinese education, and public interests in Sarawak. Besides, the UCA Sibu is already a famous association among Sarawak Chinese. Accordingly, this study is focused on the UCA Sibu, covering the 1977-1997 period. However, these kind of Chinese parties and voluntary associations have been long existed in the Sarawak Chinese society. Therefore, we are dying of curiosity to know why this kind of association exists, when it came into being, what the historical background of it was, what its importance and meaning are, and what the relations among it and the Chinese parties or the voluntary associations are. These questions are really interest. In order to answer the questions above-mentioned, we analyze the development of the voluntary associations by the history of Sarawak and the types of these associations. Basically, it is helpful to understand the background and significance of the UCA Sibu with this sort of macro-aspects. We hope to evaluate the UCA Sibu fairly via some acquaintance with the structures and working models of Sarawak Chinese associations, and furthermore, we want to present the changes of the Chinese associations in Sarawak by a discussion on the UCA Sibu. Documentary-historical method, fieldwork, and history sociology are applied to this study to explain the causal relation. After World War Ⅱ, the development of the UCA Sibu have been affected by politics, economics, and culture of Sarawak; then changed the UCA Sibu because of these factors. It proved that the factors of external environment would make changes in associations of humankind; hence, we analyze the trend of the development of Sarawak’s society by these factors to comprehend the historical background of the UCA Sibu. In addition, .the internal system and the external network of the UCA Sibu is also one of the key points in this study. Finally, we analyze the social activities, which the UCA Sibu did, to outline its unique status in the Sarawak Chinese society. The UCA Sibu has the particularities in history and geography; besides, it is representative of the studies of the overseas Chinese associations. We intended to give some supplementaries to the related field of it by analyzing the historical data and theories. We analyze the changes of the Chinese associations in Sarawak from the angle of history and sociology, and we hope to provide some different perspectives and vision to Sarawak people.


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11. 古鴻廷,《東南亞華僑的認同問題:馬來亞篇》(台北:聯經出版社,1994年)。
43. 李恩涵,《東南亞華人史》(台北:五南圖書出版公司,2003年)。
64. 葉春榮,〈人類學的海外華人研究:兼論一個新的方向〉,收於《中央研究院民族所集刊》,第七十五期(台北:中央研究院民族學研究所,1993年12月),頁171-201。


