  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationship Among Store Image, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, and Product Involvement of Sports Goods Stores in Taipei Area.

指導教授 : 陳定國
共同指導教授 : 婁國仁(Kuo-Ren Lou)


隨著不同類型運動人口的增加,銷售運動用品的通路也迅速擴張,尤其是一般常見的運動用品店。而為了滿足消費者對運動用品多樣化的需求,運動用品店根據販售的產品大致上可分為兩種類型,一種為提供專業的產品和資訊,店內多販售關於田徑、登山、棒球、游泳等用品。而另一種則跟隨流行走向,提供一般大眾基本的運動需求外,其販售的運動服飾、運動鞋也成為消費者追求時尚展現自我的一種選擇。運動用品店為消費者最直接購買運動用品的地方,且各店家賣的商品同質性也很高,如何吸引顧客上門並留住顧客的心便是運動用品店最關注的課題。現代的消費者在選購商品的過程中,除了理性的選擇,也重視整個消費過程的感覺。只滿足消費者多樣化的需求是不夠的,商品的品質價格、人員的服務態度、店面營造的環境氣氛、時間地點的便利性,這些印象都已成為消費者在選購時的考量。 本研究從消費者觀點,實證調查消費者對於運動用品店滿意度和忠誠度形成的關鍵因素。從「商店印象」因素中找尋與「顧客滿意度」和「顧客忠誠度」的關係,並從產品涉入的角度切入,探索消費者對於運動用品涉入程度的高低是否會造成在「顧客滿意度」和「顧客忠誠度」的表現有所差別。本研究調查蒐集327分樣本,建立資料庫,利用相關分析及迴歸分析法,尋找影響消費者滿意度和忠誠度表現的主要因素,主要發現如下: 一、「商店印象」中商品因素對「顧客滿意度」的形成最具影響力。 二、「商店印象」中人員服務因素對「顧客忠誠度」的形成最具影響力。 三、高產品涉入的消費者其滿意度和忠誠度表現明顯高於低產品涉入的消費者。 論文最後,根據本研究的發現,建議運動用品店業者應重視給予消費者的商店印象,和注重高低產品涉入的市場區隔,從基本的價格、產品、通路、促銷等4P的行銷策略組合中,重新思考對消費者的行銷策略,其目的應著重於如何與消費者鞏固良好的主顧關係,在越來越競爭的運動用品市場中設法給予消費者最大的滿足和提升其忠誠度。一方面創造消費者購物的最大價值,另一方面也提升企業獲利,才能開創雙贏的局面。 關鍵字:運動用品店、商店印象、顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度、產品涉入


As the increase of people in all kinds of sports, the selling channels of sports goods are expanding fast, especially the sports goods stores. In order to satisfying customers, sports goods stores can be simply divided into two types according to the selling products. One primarily provides professional sports goods and information. The other following fashion trends sells goods which only offer customers basic sports functions. The sports goods stores are the direct way for customers to buy sports goods, and sports goods stores provide almost the same goods. In the circumstances, the most important thing for store owners is trying to attract customers to come to their stores and buy sports goods. Customers nowadays care about not only what they choose to buy but also how they feel in the whole consuming processes. So sports goods store owners must realize that the store image, including variety of goods, price, service, convenience, and atmosphere of stores, will become the major cause when people choosing stores. The study tries to find out the relationship among store image, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty, and the key factors of store image forming customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. In addition, the study tries to find out that the level of product involvement makes customers have different performance of satisfaction and loyalty or not. This study has surveyed 327 samples by questionnaire and built database to extract the main factors by correlation analysis and regression analysis methods. The study conclusion are following: 1.“Goods factor” of store image is the most important to customer satisfaction. 2.“Service factor” of store image is the most important to customer loyalty. 3.Customers having higher product involvement will be more satisfied and more loyal than lower product involvement. The study suggest the sports goods store owners had better emphasize the store image which they show to customers and the market segmentation caused by product involvement of customers. According to the result, replanning the marketing strategy and making the purpose focus on building a solid relationship between customers and sports goods stores.


