  • 學位論文


Bricolage in WenHua primary school with experimentalize participatory

指導教授 : 黃瑞茂


「隨創」一字源於法文,意指木匠或技術工利用手邊可使用的物資,在一番拼拼湊湊之後,問題得以解決。而這種隨手修補的活動,常常會產生意想不到的結果。隨創一詞雖說看似有隨意之意,實則是在強調將原本無用的資源經過一番整理修補之後,成為了讓人眼前一亮、為之振奮的新創意。 淡水文化國小需要我們協助其規劃設計校園,以供他們未來做校園整建時使用。正好藉由這樣的一個機會,我們能夠在校園內用隨創的方式為他們做校園的規劃,並且能夠真實的面對環境做出設計去回應。 並且通過參與式設計與參與式施工的方式,讓淡水文化國小的同學能夠對校園及周邊的環境有新的認知,也鍛煉到同學們動手操作的能力,激發他們的創造力和想像力,使同學們在整個過程中感受到對校園的責任感,在他們心中埋下一顆對環境關懷的種子。 在這個設計的過程中,也翻轉了一般在室內上課制式的教育模式,讓小朋友能夠在室外的體驗中感受到學習的樂趣。讓教學不僅僅只停留在教室內的單向輸出,激發孩子的潛能、寓教於樂,提供給學校老師一個轉變教學方式的機會。


隨創 參與式設計 國小


Bricolage is come from France, It means that carpenter use what he can use around. Therefore, it can solve the problem that have scanty resource. But if use this way they can have unexpected result. So Bricolage is seem like random, but it’s authentic mean that try your best to do it, after a while, it will give you a surprise. WenHua primary school in Tamsui who need a programme about their school. I’m very interested in this program. And principal have many recycle resources, she want use it in this program. So we can use Bricolage in the program. And I can face the real environment, to solve many problems. I can design the planning with experimentalize participatory, Let the students who are in Wenhua primary school know the school environment around, and motivates students, they can create more interesting things. In this program, their teaching can be changed, they can not only study indoor but also outdoor, they can have a healthy and special study environment.


HumanityforArchitecture. (2012). Design Like You Give A Damn: Architectural Responses To Humanitarian Crises. Metropolis Books.
Joe Tidd, John Bessant.(2009). Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change.4th Edition.
