  • 學位論文


A Study on the Requirements of Integral Equipments in Playground for Pre-school Children.

指導教授 : 廖武藏


組合式遊具常被設置在幼稚園或公園中供幼兒玩耍,一向都是幼兒的最愛。組合式遊具本身具有組合性高、安全且具變化性,可依不同的教育目的及教學方式活動組裝配置,供學前教育做有系統、有計劃性的結構性訓練活動,同時也能整合非結構的遊戲。因此,對於學齡前的幼兒而言,組合式遊具的機能與設計能否提供幼兒階段的體能需求,是有其研究探討的必要性。 本研究採用文獻探討、現況分類紀錄法、深入訪談法及問卷調查法進行研究,以了解國內對組合式遊具現況與缺失,並提出一個適合在幼兒階段最佳的組合式遊具機能需求之建議,期望能為幼兒營造一個更具創造構思的遊戲空間,經本研究之分析後結果說明如下: 1.單元遊具太少及變化性不大,為大臺北地區公立國小組合式遊具的主要缺失。 2.組合式遊具之組成遊具單元應提高至11個以上,以增加幼兒遊戲意願與層次。 3.目前的組合式遊具缺乏運動技能中的翻滾、爬行及上臂力的肌力等能力訓練。 4.幼兒偏好喜愛選擇「動作傾向」具攀爬、擺盪、鑽行等的遊具單元。 5.組合式遊具設計方面,應充分發揮組合式遊具彈性及多樣組裝之優勢功能,朝向機動性、可移動式及可重組式的設計發展。 6.目前幼兒戶外遊戲活動時間過低,應將戶外遊戲活動項目併入教學課程之中。


戶外遊戲場 遊戲 幼兒


In general, integral equipments in the park or playground in kindergarten has been always attractive to children. The integral equipments featured of high integrability, safety and diversity are applied in preschool education as tools of systemized preschool education; according to its educational goal or activity of educational methods, or are schemed in structural training and also in the integration of non-structural games. Thus, in the concern of children’s physical strength, it is an essential necessity to research the adequacy of mechanism and design of integral equipments. This research was done in referring to research essays, in categorizing of present status, profound discussion interviews with experts, and paper investigation. It is aimed to help realizing the current status and weakness of integral playground equipments in countrywide, with a motive of coming up a proposal of adequate mechanism and functions required by preschool children and a hope of creating a better creative play space for children. The following is conclusion of this research in summary: 1.The major weakness of integral equipments in public elementary schools in Taipei area lies in few subjects and blunt design. 2.To arouse children’s interest and enlightenment, it should be devised at least 11 subjects in designing integral equipments for children. 3.Current integral equipments are still in need of more sports functions such as rolling, crawling, and muscle training of upper arms. 4.The preschool children incline to motion subjects including movements of crawling, swinging and propelling. 5.A quality design should always conceive the ideas of mobility, impromptu and combination by specifying the features of integral equipments with diversified possibility of composition. 6.Currently the outdoor activities for children are still under expectation, the activity in playground could be considered as one of the educational courses.


Outdoor Playgrounds Play Children




