  • 學位論文


Toy Books and A Study on Babyhood’s Cognitive Learning

指導教授 : 楊明津


因人口結構變遷,少子化的社會日趨於明顯,家長對於幼兒的教育也愈來愈精緻化。對幼兒而言,愛玩是天性,遊戲是生活重心,遊戲最常見的工具就是玩具;學習則是幼兒成長的必要過程,學習最典型的形式是書;玩具書就是兼具了書的內容和形式,也擁有玩具的趣味和功能。在現今國內幼兒玩具書市場多樣化的選擇上,何謂適時適齡的玩具書,其認知活動內容編排和操作型態,對幼兒認知發展與學習興趣的影響,是為幼兒玩具書設計的重要依據。因此透過「玩」與「遊戲」的方式,可以讓幼兒在體能、動作、感官、認知等各方面均衡發展,也可以在遊戲中學習團體規則及社交禮儀,同時有助於日後在學習力、專注力上的表現。玩的有意義,玩出學習興趣,也就是設計優良玩具書的最終目的。 本研究蒐集有關國內市售的幼兒玩具書作一現況調查並進行內容分析,且採用文獻探討、問卷調查法及深入訪談法進行研究,目的在探討幼兒在認知發展的學習過程中,玩具書對其幼兒的關係與瞭解國內幼兒玩具書的現況和缺失,為未來有心從事此相關設計人員做一有價值的參考資料。經本研究之分析後結果主要說明如下: 1. 認知學習適齡性標示不清。 2. 幼兒玩具書設計以智能教育為重。 3. 在設計多樣化的同時,相對也提高複雜度。 4. 國內玩具書較為呆板,活潑性與創意明顯不足。 5. 玩具書需配合幼兒肢體行為動作能力階段。


認知 幼兒 玩具書 遊戲


Children are by nature playful. Play is the focus of their everyday life. Learning is also another vital element in a child’s growth. The most common form of learning is through books. Therefore toy books, which are a combination of toys and books, are a great way to learn to play and play to learn. Play has a crucial role in the physical, perceptual, sensory and cognitive development of children. Playing with a group of children helps them to learn about the world and the rules of society . It also stimulates concentration and learning capability. These are all goals that producers of toy books hope to achieve. The present study is a research on children’s toy books currently available on the market through literature review, conduct of survey, and in-depth interviews. The aim is to investigate the current state and shortcomings, if any, of the role toy books play in the cognitive development learning process of children. 1. Research results found that in general the suitable age groups on domestically published toy books are not labeled clear enough. 2. The learning purpose of the books dominate the play side. 3. They are too complex for children to grasp. 4. Domestically published toy books lack variety and creativity compared to imported ones. 5.Toy books that are not designed to match the physical capability of their target age group may result in lack of willingness to learn.


cognition babyhood toy books playing


•Usha Goswami著,羅雅芬譯,兒童認知,台北:心理,,2003。


