  • 學位論文


A Comparison of Young Children's Literary Responses to Three Picture Books and Their Movable Book Adaptation

指導教授 : 周婉湘


本研究旨在探討幼兒閱讀平面圖畫書與改編之可動書反應,並透過文本分析釐清,平面圖畫書與可動書的設計有哪些差異,以及如何傳達故事內容,而幼兒在閱讀平面圖畫書與可動書,在文本的反應上又有什麼不同。由於研究關注的焦點在幼兒閱讀平面圖畫書與可動書的歷程,因此採用質性研究法深入探索幼兒閱讀兩者文本之內涵。本研究所篩選出三本圖畫書與改編版可動書分別為:The incredible book eating boy(Jeffers, 2006)、The incredible book eating boy pop-up edition(Jeffers, 2009)、以及《我們要去捉狗熊》(Oxenbury, 2011)、與We’re going on a bear hunt:A celebratory pop-up edition(Oxenbury, 2007)、和《猜猜我有多愛你》(Mcbratney & Jeram, 1996)與《猜猜我有多愛你:立體遊戲書》(Mcbratney & Jeram, 2011),作為本研究進行文本分析與幼兒共讀的文本。本研究分為兩個部分,首先研究者會透過文本分析,分別比較三本平面圖畫書與改編可動書之設計有哪些異同,其次,在實際陪伴幼兒閱讀的過程中,一個故事研究者會以一次閱讀平面圖畫書、一次閱讀可動書以及一次綜合討論的方式進行共三次共讀討論,從過程中透過觀察及訪談資料的收集,瞭解幼兒閱讀平面圖畫書與改編之可動書詮釋故事的方式為何。本研究主要發現如下: 一、 平面圖畫書與改編之可動書在書籍與近文本設計上的差異,影響幼兒對故事情節的詮釋 二、 改編之可動書的機關場景設計,使幼兒對場景的關注焦點與平面圖畫書有所不同 三、 改編之可動書將平面圖畫書的圖像元素結合機關設計,吸引幼兒關注於角色變化,增加幼兒反覆探索的機會 研究者根據研究結果,給予幼教現場教師與未來研究者相關建議。 關鍵字:平面圖畫書、可動書、讀者反應、故事元素


The objective of the present study is to identify the differences between the printed picture books and the moveable books conveying the same story and exploring children’s responses when reading these picture books. This study focuses on the process of reading these two types of books, so I choose qualitative research method to discuss it. I collected the same story printed picture books and moveable books and selected three storys: the INCREDIBLE BOOK EATING BOY, the INCREDIBLE BOOK EATING BOY POP-UP Edition, We’ re Going on a Bear Hunt, We’ re Going on a Bear Hunt:A CELEBRATORY POP-UP EDITION, Guess how I love you, Guess how I love you: pop-up books, as the texts for analysis and share reading. This study consists of two sections. The first section involves analysis of the three printed picture books and the moveable books I select to determine the differences in textual design between the two types of mode. The second selected examines how children interpret the story elements of the two types of mode. We performed joint reading with six children. Each children jointly reads the picture book and the moveable book once. The third reading activity involves joint reading discussion. Finally, we compare and analyze the data collected from the results of joint reading and textual analysis. The primary findings of the present study are as following: 1. The differences between the picture books and the moveable books, in book designing and peritextual features , influence the children's interpretation of the storyline. 2. Adaptation of the movable book scene design, fosters children’s focus to be different from picture books. 3. Adaptation of the movable book will be picture book elements combined with the design of the moveable design attracting children to focus on the roles of change increasing the opportunity for children to explore repeatly. According to the results, we provided suggestion for early childhood educators, and scholars conducting future studies. Keyword: picture books, moveable books, reader responses, story element


林慧娟、周婉湘(2012)。「沒有字怎麼讀?」:幼兒閱讀無字圖畫書中之圖像語言。當代教育研究季刊,20(3), 1-37。
