  • 學位論文


A Study of Authentication Protocol for Mobile Networks

指導教授 : 黃仁俊




In mobile communications nowadays, personal privacy and security are of top concern to mobile phone subscribers. In protecting the confidential and sensitive data in mobile networks, cryptosystem can be considered as an important technique. Yet, mainstream mobile manufacturers can hardly adopt advanced security protocol to mobile devices, due to the limited computational ability of the processor they employ. Against the backdrop that many good authentication protocols of mobile network are based on RSA operations, the author of this dissertation shall design and propose some implementation methods and authentication protocols. First, the author designs an efficient and practical method to implement RSA algorithm originated from Texas Instruments TMS320C55x family, in order to make it possible to add an advanced security protocol to mobile networks. The TMS320C55x family is widely adopted in many wireless and mobile devices. While most of these RSA applications use a small public key to speed up the encryption operation, the decryption operation inevitably takes more computational time performing an operation of modular exponentiation. To solve this problem, the author proposes a RSA decryption method based on the strong prime criterion. The proposed method can greatly enhance the performance of the RSA decryption. The author proposes some implementation methods of public key cryptosystem to enhance the performance; however, the public key cryptosystem is still slower than the symmetric key cryptosystem. Finally, the author proposes a new efficient authentication protocol for mobile networks. The proposed protocol is based on the symmetric cryptosystem, challenge-response, and hash chaining, in which the user, the service provider, and the key distribution center authenticate mutually. In addition, the user and the service provider will generate a secret session key for their communication in this protocol. With the key derivation function, the key distribution center of mobile networks does not need to maintain the secret key database of users. The proposed protocol can be properly applied to the mobile networks.


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