  • 學位論文


The Cultural Industries Approach to the Study of the Original Webisodes in China

指導教授 : 許傳陽


2010年中國大陸出現了第一批由視頻網站出品的網路自製劇,此後,這一新興的數位內容產業迅速成長,而成為傳統影視劇的重要競爭者。網路自製劇產業何以能夠在中國大陸迅速成長?影響這一產業發展的關鍵因素為何?而這種經由互聯網傳播的網路自製劇與傳統的電視劇又有何區別?本研究採用文化產業取經,通過深度訪談和次級資料分析法,對中國網路自製劇的科技基礎、產製組織、政策環境和內容類型進行研究,並從中探討網路自製劇產業背後的科技技術、政治經濟和社會發展的脈絡。 本研究將網路自製劇的發展置於中國影視劇發展的脈絡中進行研究,發現網路自製劇並非一種全新的互聯網產物,而應該視為傳統影視劇產業在互聯網時代所延伸的新領域。視頻網站是網路自製劇的主要推動者,隨著市場的擴大,出現了許多專門製作網路劇和網路大電影的“網生代”內容製作公司,傳統的影視劇製作公司也開始針對網路市場生產網路劇,這使得網路自製劇既部分延續了傳統影視劇的生產製作方式,又因互聯網這一傳播媒介的特殊性而產生新的文本特征。 互聯網傳播科技的發展是網路自製劇的前提條件,寬帶網路基礎設施的完善、內容分發技術的進步、智慧型便攜設備的普及、移動互聯網的發展成為網路自製劇產業重要的促進因素。而中國政府對文化產業和新媒體產業的支持,使網路自製劇得以在相對寬鬆的審查政策制度下獲得發展。相比傳統電視劇,網路自製劇的創作環境相對自由,文本類型也更加多元,一些原本被排除在傳統電視劇之外的惡搞、靈異玄幻、同性戀等次文化類型都在網路自製劇有所發展。 中國大陸網路自製劇的興起,是科技發展、資本推動和政策支持共同作用的結果,但商業資本仍是網路自製劇發展的根本動力。然而,逐利成為網路自製劇的根本動力,卻導致了網路自製劇以迎合主流消費人群為目標,而忽略了對公平正義之價值的追求。


The video websites of China started to produce the webisodes in 2010. Since then, the emerging digital content industry has grown rapidly, becoming a major competitor for traditional TV dramas. How can the webisodes industry grow so rapidly in China? What are the key factors influencing the development of this industry? And what are the differences between the webisodes and the traditional TV dramas? This paper focus on the technology, production organization, policy environment and textual characteristics of webisodes by means of in-depth interviews and secondary data analysis, and explores webisodes industry in the context of technology,political economy and social development. The study results show that the webisodes is not a totally new-bornproducts, but should be regarded as the extended area of traditional film and television industries in the Internet age. The video websites is the inventor of the webisodes,however ,with the expansion of the market, there have been a lot of content production companies which specialize in the production of webisodes.In addition,the traditional film and television drama production companies also started to produce the series aimed at the new Internet market, which makes the webisodes is part of the continuation of TV series, but still have some new characteristics due to the media property of the Internet. The rise of the webisode industry was the result of the interaction of the development of science and technology, the promotion of capital and the support of policies. Nevertheless,commercial capital is the fundamental driving force for the development of webisodes. But it is noteworthy that when the pursuit of profits becomes the only consideration of the webisodes production,it will satisfy the mainstream consumers, while ignoring the value of the social justice and equity.




