  • 學位論文


PLA “Anti-access Strategies”:An Analysis of ASBM Capabilities

指導教授 : 曾復生


中共「反介入戰略」的產生,主要因1994年10月27日漢級潛艦遭美軍「小鷹號航母戰鬥群」受困於黃海,及1996年台海危機美軍航母戰鬥群的介入干預行動,令中共深感奇恥大辱,力圖尋求「反介入」戰力上的發展。 有鑑於此,中共即致力於反艦武器的發展,並已獲得初步的成果,美國著名智庫蘭德公司於 2007年3月29日發表的一份研究報告「深入龍穴─中共的反介入戰略及其對美國的影響」中強力警告說:「中共有可能在未來發生的台海衝突中擊敗美國。」這份報告並強調,若台海戰爭一旦開啟,中共可能使用巡弋飛彈與潛艦攻擊美國航空母艦,並以彈道飛彈攻擊美軍。 美軍為繼續維持其在西太平洋地區的優勢地位,目前已經積極採取「空海一體戰」部署措施,包括:(一)增加太平洋地區的核動力潛艦戰力;(二)部署全球之鷹無人偵察機;(三)加速發展X-37B型快速打擊太空戰機;(四)加強琉球、關島,以及夏威夷軍事基地的安全維護;(五)在西太平洋地區增加部署B-2隱形戰略轟炸機;(六)加速建設關島成為美軍在西太平洋的戰略據點,並成為核動力導彈潛艦、航母打擊群、隱形戰略轟炸機、巡弋飛彈潛艦、神盾級巡洋艦和驅逐艦,以及海軍陸戰隊的駐紮基地等因應。 我國在面對共軍的「反介入戰略」、巡弋飛彈與導彈能量快速成長,以及美軍重新調整其在西太平洋地區軍力部署的新形勢,唯有結合新一代武器的採購與發展,致力提昇軍備效能,強化有效防衛武力,才能嚇阻與反制來自中共任何可能的軍事犯臺行動。而國人亦唯有凝聚強化軍備共識,展現自我防衛決心,建構預防戰爭的國防戰力,才能自助人助,有效維護臺海和平與亞太安全。


The two encounters inspired the existence of Chinese Anti-access, the Han class submarine encounter with the USS Kitty Hawk on Oct 27 1994 and the U.S. carrier battle groups response to the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, which were recognized as national embarrassment by the PRC and seeking all chances to strive for “Anti-access” development. By that, PLA contributes all efforts on Anti-ship Ballistic Missile and had acquired initial achievement. On Mar 29 2007,the RAND Corporation had announced a report “Entering the Dragon's Lair: Chinese Antiaccess Strategies and Their Implications for the United States” that strongly indicates “Chinese Antiaccess measures might defeat U.S. military operations in the event of Taiwan Strait conflict”. This report further addressed that PLA might conduct cruise missile and submarine attack against U.S. aircraft carrier, and attacking U.S. forces with TBM. U.S. military had adopted ”Air Sea Battle” deployment in order to sustain its predominance in western Pacific, which also includes I. Increase nuclear submarine deployment in Asian Pacific Region. II. Deploy Global Hawk reconnaissance drone. III. Speed up X37B spacecraft development. IV. Increase security level in Ryukyu Islands, Guam and Hawaii military bases. V. Increase B-2" Stealth" bomber deployment in western Pacific. VI. Speed up the construction on Guam as a strategic location for U.S. military, which could be a base for deploying Nuclear-Powered ballistic missile submarine, carrier battle groups, stealth bomber, Aegis cruiser and destroyer, and marine corps. Taiwan has to continue the effort in acquiring and developing the latest weapon system to establish resolute defense capability, in order to deter and counter any PLA intrusions meanwhile facing Chinese “Anti-access Strategies”and growth of cruise and ballistic missile capabilities, and U.S. adjusting the military deployment in western Pacific. Taiwanese solidarity in upgrading armament and self-defense determination would be essential in maintaining peace over Taiwan Strait and Asia Pacific region.


Anti-access Strategies ASBM Air Sea Battle


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