  • 學位論文

以網路人力銀行之徵才內容探討國內 資管相關人力之專業技能需求趨勢

Use The Contents of The Online Recruitment Site to Explore The Trend of Skill Requirements of IS Professionals

指導教授 : 黃振中


隨著網際網路普及化,網路人力銀行成為目前一項重要的求職管道;資料顯示,網路銀行仲介的廣告已有超越報紙廣告的趨勢。因此,利用網路人銀行之徵才廣告,來探討目前資訊人才之技能需求現況,應該能表達出目前企業職場真實的工作需求趨勢。 本研究利用104網路人力銀行之徵才廣告進行資訊人才需求資料之蒐集與內容分析,探討國內不同產業對各類資訊人才職務及技能需求的差異。另一方面,也針對國內大專院校資訊管理系目前教授之課程,探討是否滿足企業界對資訊人才技能的需求。此外,本研究亦收集同一段期間之報紙徵才廣告數,並比較網路人力銀行及報紙媒體二種廣告方式,其消長趨勢及未來演進。 在分析收集的樣本資料後,發現目前企業界「軟體程式設計師」之需求最高,而不同工作職務別與產業別間對於資訊人員技能需求有差異,學校技能相關課程與徵才廣告之重視技能程度關連性低,而報紙之資訊人才徵才廣告也在逐漸式微中。


For the growth of Internet users, online recruitment service has become the important channel for the enterprise to hire new employees. The data showed that more companies used the websites than used newspaper to recruit employee. Thus, using the online job recruitment information to explore the trend of skill requirements of the IS professional will be a good resources. In this study, we collected the job recruitments from a local website of various IS professionals to analyze the trend of skill requirements among different industries. Besides, we investigated the academic training courses of the Information Management Departments of local Universities in order to explore whether these training courses meet the needs of the enterprise. Furthermore, we also collected the job recruitment ads from the newspaper to verify whether this traditional job seeking channel has been replaced by the websites. This research showed that Programmers still as the highest demand on the IS professionals. There were some different skill requirements among various IS professional career jobs as well as distinct industries. It also showed that the academic skill training only low correlation with the skill requirements of the industry. Meanwhile, the job recruitment ads in newspapers was indeed on the downside


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