  • 學位論文


The Research on PRC's Psychological Warfare toward Taiwan during Hu Jintao Ruling Period

指導教授 : 王高成


中共的經濟影響力已毋庸置疑地擴及全球,而「北京奧運」所營造的震 撼力,無論是站在「政治運動」或是「運動政治」的角度來看,其感染力亦 蔓延至整個地球村。2009 年中共在慶祝其建政60 週年時,聲勢浩大地舉辦 國慶,透過大型閱兵活動展示多種自製新型軍備,除向世界表明其「政治、 經濟、軍事大國」地位外,其背後所隱含之心戰意涵不言而喻。美國國防部 所公布的「2008 年中共軍力報告」,不再凸顯中共的「先發制人」戰略,首 次把中共的「三戰」(輿論戰、心理戰、法律戰)列入,闡述中共對戰爭的 理解,不再侷限於軍事對抗,而涵蓋政治、經濟、外交和法律等領域,意指 中共在重視「硬實力」同時,也相對重視「軟實力」的戰略運用。 根據中共的說法,所謂軍事「軟實力」的實踐型態是輿論戰、心理戰及 法律戰。中共自2003 年12 月15 日正式將「三戰」納入新頒的《中國人民 解放軍政治工作條例》後,即致力於「三戰」的研究與發展。一般而言,「 三戰」往往被解讀成是解放軍的戰時政治工作。然而,該條例分別由中共黨 中央及中央軍委會批准,發至全國縣、團級以上的各級黨委組織落實推動, 因此,其實踐是跨越黨、政、軍等領域。同時,根據中共「以黨領軍」的傳 統,「三戰」作為的策劃與實施,亦可提升由國家階層統一策劃與指導實施 。 本文研究是從中共心理戰理論之探討,研析中共各時期領導人對台心理 戰之策略運用,進一步探究胡錦濤時期對台心理戰之策略作為,並根據其對 台心理戰之策略作為,探究錦濤時期對台心理戰之特色與限制因素,期望能 提供國防部對敵心理戰政策制定與未來後續研究的參考。


政治運動 運動政治 硬實力 軟實力 三戰


There is no doubt that the PRC’s economy has influenced the whole world. Also, the effect of Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 affects to the global village from the viewpoints of the political movement or the sports politics. While celebrating the 60th anniversary of its national day in 2009, China conducted large-scale parade demonstrating its new type of indigenous arms to show off its strong military power and prove itself to the world that it is a political, economic, and military power. Its psychological operations implications are very clear. What the Pentagon published “Chinese Military Report 2008” did not emphasize the PRC’s “preemptive strategy” any more. And for the first time, the report included “The Three Warfares”(Public Opinion Warfare, Psychological Warfare, Legal Warfare)explaining that the PRC’s understanding to the war does not confine to military confrontation, but contains political, economic, diplomatic and legal area, and meaning that PRC does not only pay much attention to its hard power, at the same time, but also focus on the employment of soft power. According to the PRC, the type of so-called “soft power” practice is Public Opinion Warfare, Psychological Warfare and Legal Warfare. Since December 15, 2003, the PRC formally included “Three Warfares” in its newly published ”Regulations on Political Work for the PLA” and devoted itself to the research and development of “Three Warfares.” Generally speaking, “Three Warfares” are often understood as the PLA’s political work at war time. However, the regulations were approved by the Central Party Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the Central Military Commission separately, and issued to above the county and regiment level of all levels to implement and promote. Therefore, its practice is to cross over party, political and military fields. Meanwhile, according to the tradition of the PRC’s “party commanding the military.” The planning and implementation of “Three Warfares” can enhance unified planning and guidance of the national level implementation. This study analyzes each periods of the PRC’s leaders’ tactics and employment of Psychological Warfare toward Taiwan from the PRC’s Psychological Warfare theory perspective. Further, the thesis deals with the PRC’s Psychological Warfare tactics and efforts on Taiwan at Hu Jintao’s period, and according to the conduct of Psychological Warfare tactics to probe into the characteristics and limitation factors of Psychological Warfare. I expect that the thesis can provide the Ministry of National Defense with the policy against the enemy's Psychological Warfare as well as the reference for future follow-up study.


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