  • 學位論文


The effect of fashion anxiety and endorser types on single women's purchase intention- Luxury bags as examples

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 李芸蕙(Yun-Huei Lee)


「單身」並非一種新現象,過往不論在心裡、社會以及文化層面皆有廣泛的討論,多數人將單身女性視為「敗犬」、「剩女」等貶抑的看法。然而隨著社會價值觀的改變,單身發生了質變;根據調查,女性收入成長大於男性並且單身女性對於流行的重視程度是不可忽視的。單身女性「三不三有(不受限消費、不會理財、不必養家,有錢、有閒、有自我)」的共同特色,讓她們成為受企業矚目的新族群。 另一方面,推薦式廣告是廣告主最常使用的廣告模式(Agrawal and Kamakura, 1995; Till and Busler, 1998),經由P-O-X理論(Mowen, Brown, and Schulman, 1989)可發現,一旦消費者對於該廣告代言人有強烈好感,就可能進而影響其購買意願。 本研究主題為探討單身女性流行焦慮與廣告代言人類型對購買意願之研究,並且以名牌包作為實證情境,期待透過本研究找出單身女性流行焦慮之程度、廣告代言人類型是否影響其流行焦慮、及以名牌包作為實證情境探討單身女性的購買意願是否受到流行焦慮與廣告代言人類型之影響,冀以提供行銷人員對於單身女性的行銷策略之參考。 本研究以單身女性作為受試對象,以便利抽樣之方式共計回收194份有效樣本,有效回收率96.04%,經由統計分析後,其結果如下: 1.單身女性的流行焦慮與對名人、專家等廣告代言人認同度間有顯著相關;但單身女性的流行焦慮與對典型消費者之廣告代言人認同度間無顯著相關。 2.單身女性流行焦慮之不同在其購買意願上有顯著差異。 3.單身女性對廣告代言人認同度之不同在其購買意願上無顯著差異。 4.單身女性之流行焦慮對其購買意願有顯著影響;單身女性對各廣告代言人之認同度對其購買意願無顯著影響。 5.單身女性在不同人口統計變項的不同在其流行焦慮與購買意願上會有顯著差異。 經由上述的實證研究,本研究認為單身不再是無奈被動下的選擇,而是具有強大消費能力的族群;並且,廣告代言人選擇的正確性對於產品行銷的成功是相當重要的一環;最後,由人口統計變項的分析可以科技業以及高所得之單身女性作為主要的目標族群。


“Single” is not a new phenomenon, there had widely discussion in academic study. Many people used derogatory words calling single women; however, most people change their view now. According to some researches, women’s revenue growth is higher than men’s and the fashion news is the topic that single women pay much more attention to. The special characteristics of single women called”3 no,3 yes” which means the single women live without consuming limitation, financial management, and responsibility for supporting family. And the single women got money,leisure,and self image. On the other hand, endorsement advertising is popular among enterprises(Agrawal and Kamakura, 1995; Till and Busler, 1998). According to the POX theory,once customers like the endorser, they probably change their purchase intention(Mowen, Brown, and Schulman, 1989) and buy the specific product that is recommended by the endorser. This study is discussing how single women’s fashion anxiety and endorser types influence their purchase intention. Moreover, we use luxury bags as empirical objects, looking forward to find some results for marketing strategies. This research’s target the single women, using convenience sampling and 194 effective samples were collected. By implementing the empirical statistics, the conclusions are as follows: 1. Single women’s fashion anxiety has significant correlation with their identification to endorsers like as celebrities and experts. But the relationship is not supported when the endorser is the common people. 2. There is significant difference between single women’s fashion anxiety and their purchase intention. But the relationship is not founded between the identification to endorsers and their purchase intention. 3. There are partial significant differences happened on single women’s fashion anxiety and purchase intention with some demographic variables. According to the result, we can find that the single women become the strongest group; also, the correctness of the choice of endorsers is very important for the success of product marketing; finally, through the demographic statistics analysis of variables, the technology industry and high-income single women be the main target groups.




