  • 學位論文


The Effects of 4D Virtual Reality Situated Learning on High School Students’ English Learning

指導教授 : 徐新逸


本研究中虛擬實境4D情境式學習便是透過虛擬實境技術,結合立體空間概念與時間概念,呈現不同時空背景的虛擬角色、物件與故事,並藉由學習者與教材之間的互動過程,讓學習者從情境中建構知識。   許多的教育學家總希望能培訓出具有「獨立思考能力」與「問題解決能力」的學子。然而,長期以來,因為臺灣過度崇尚升學主義,致使「考試引導教學」一直以來都是最主要的教學模式。考試固然無法避免,也有其存在的必要性,但若無法扭轉教學模式,讓學子看清知識的本質,則無法讓所學真正地運用在實際的生活中。針對這個問題,本研究希冀透過設計與實施虛擬實境互動式教學以活化教學,透過虛擬實境技術呈現情境式的學習內容,除了能讓知識的學習建構於真實的生活中,讓學子真正地瞭解學習的內容外,更可以藉由虛擬實境模擬仿真的特性,結合虛擬物件,創造4D的學習情境,將與學習者相異時空的教材內容呈現於眼前,藉此跳脫學習場域以及時空上的侷限,使教學更有意義。   本研究分為兩個階段,第一個階段採用設計研究法,建置以虛擬實境技術呈現之英文數位教材。依據研究問題、研究範圍、研究架構,以及相關的理論基礎,進行分析與探討,以規劃及建置數位教材的內容與系統架構。第二個階段則採用實驗法,自變項為教學法,有虛擬實境4D情境式教學以及傳統講述式教學兩種教學法;依變項則為英文學習動機及學習成效,探討將教材融入英文教學後,在英文學習動機以及在英文單字、文法上的學習狀況。本研究以高中兩班共65位學生為研究對象,透過學習動機量表、測驗卷以及回饋單進行研究結果的分析。研究結果發現,經由虛擬實境4D情境式學習的歷程,對學習者在英文學習動機及學習成效上有所助益。 本研究希冀能透過本研究教材建置的實務經驗,以及本研究的研究成果與建議,俾供未來在不同學科中應用虛擬實境技術建置教材之參考及方向。


In this study, virtual reality 4D situated learning, showing virtual roles, objects and stories in different backgrounds, is a module that combines the concept of three-dimensional space and the concept of time. With this module, learners can construct knowledge through the interaction between learners and learning materials. Many educators hope to help students foster "independent thinking skills" and "problem solving skills ". However, Taiwan has overly advocated credentialism for a long time; therefore, “teaching to the test" has long been the most important teaching model. Examinations are necessary, but if we cannot reverse the teaching model and give learners a chance to have and to use the essence of knowledge, learners cannot apply what they’ve learned in real-life contexts. To solve this problem, this study activated teaching through creating and applying a virtual reality 4D interactive teaching method. This material could not only help learners construct knowledge in real-life situation but also create 4D situated learning and present contexts in different time and space, making teaching much more meaningful. This study was divided into two phases. The first phase in this study adopted design-based research to construct a virtual reality 4D interactive educational material. The material was designed based on research questions, research scope, research structure, and related theoretical basis. The second phase used a quasi-experimental design. The independent variables in this study were two teaching methods, which included virtual reality 4D situated teaching method and didactic teaching method. The dependent variables were English learning motivation and learning achievement. The study aimed to investigate the effects of implementing the virtual reality 4D interactive educational material on students’ learning motivation and vocabulary and grammar learning achievement. There were 65 students involved in this study. The “Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire”, “the achievement tests” and “the feedback sheet” were used to collect the data. The results showed that the virtual reality 4D interactive educational material could improve English learning motivation and learning achievement. According to the results of the research and the practical experience through the establishment of the research materials, this study proposed some suggestions for educational administrators, school administrators, senior high school English teachers and future researchers as reference.


