  • 學位論文


The Study of China’s Youth Exchange Policy toward Taiwan after the Sunflower Student Movement

指導教授 : 潘錫堂


中共對臺灣青年交流統戰工作在2014年臺灣發生主要訴求為反對兩岸服務貿易協議之「太陽花學運」後發生變化,更加聚焦在對臺灣青年交流統戰上。然而中共對臺青年工作是否是在學運後才開始進行?在太陽花學運後對臺青年工作政策與過去有何異同?中共如何經營兩岸青年工作?目前對臺青年工作策略方向已定,但其具體作法為何?相關做法是否在臺灣青年身上產生中共希望發生的影響力?最後則是我們應該如何面對,是否需要進行相關應處? 本文主要先回顧中共對臺灣青年交流政策之變化,分為萌芽期、成長期及聚焦期三個時期進行探討,接下來從中共歷來對臺灣青年交流政策之重要談話當中,探究中共對臺灣青年交流的統戰工作之內涵,歸納其政策面與操作面的變與不變,並且從中針對中共對臺青年統戰新模式─「體驗式交流」進行分析,從其意涵開始探討,並對其交流方式可能對臺灣青年交流之影響,以及對於臺灣安全風險等進行評估。 本文研究發現,中共對臺灣青年統戰工作力度持續加大,且把對臺灣青年交流工作主戰場拉回大陸進行,中共得以發展這樣更加靈活多元的對臺青年統戰工作,係利基於中共經濟實力的提升,然而目前中共相關作為暫時未具體影響臺灣青年的國家認同取向;另外本文建議,未來仍可就兩岸事務相關法規面、中共持續出臺「出行便利」配套,及中共如何教育我赴陸學生等面向繼續深入研究。


The Communist Party of China(CPC) has changed the Taiwan Youth Exchange of United Front Work in 2014, after the movement which is main appeal of to oppose the cross straits service trade agreement, as called "Sunflower Steudent Movement". It is more focused on the work of United Front for Taiwan youth. However, when did CPC begin their youth work to Taiwan youth? How does the Taiwan youth exchange policy of CPC works differ from the time before the Movement? How does CPC manage the works of Taiwan youth exchange policy? What is the specific practice for the work of Taiwan youth exchange policy? Does the relevant practice of CPC making the influence toward to Taiwan youth? And what should Taiwan react? First of all, we reviews the changes of the Taiwan youth exchange policy of CPC, which is divided into three periods: germination period, growth period and focus period. Secondly, we try to explored the connotations of the United Front Work of CPC of Taiwan on the youth exchange from the policy and operation sides by reviews the important announcement announced by the Decision maker of CPC. And then, analyze the new model of the united front of CPC - "experience exchange/interaction". From its meaning, it begins to discuss the influence on the work of Taiwan youth exchange activities, as well as the evaluation of security risk in Taiwan. The study found that the CPC continued to intensify the work of the United Front for the youth of Taiwan, and took the main battlefield of the activity of Taiwan youth exchange back to Mainland China, and the CPC was able to develop such a more flexible and pluralistic work on the United Front for the youth was based on the promotion of the economic strength. However, the activities for the Taiwan Youth Exchange was not yet works out making specific impact of national identity of Taiwan youth. In addition, this paper suggests that in the future, we can continue to study the relevant regulations of the cross straits affairs, the continuous introduction of "travel convenience" and how the China shool educates Taiwan students who study at Mainland China.


壹、 專書
一、 中文部分:
王玉民,社會科學研究方法原理 (臺北:洪葉出版社,1994年),頁12。
