  • 學位論文


The study of Chinese anti-monopoly policy the case of Qualcomm and automobile market

指導教授 : 李志強


在中國大陸由計畫經濟走向市場經濟之後,大約三十年的時間,經濟不斷的成長,社會不斷的進步,許多國際跨國公司很願意到中國大陸投資,增加中國大陸繁榮的機會,但是在2007年8月30日,經過長達14年不間斷的辯論與討論,最終通過了反壟斷法,雖然這不是一個嶄新的政策,卻是中國大陸入世之後所作的重要的決策,這攸關到外資與本土企業的發展,跨國公司與有意要到中國大陸的投資國家意識到中國大陸在經濟發展的控制上更為注重。 在本學術論文中會從反壟斷法的立法動機開始做深入的探討,接著與美國與日本的競爭法案做相關比較。然後透過案例分析的方式分析前後在中國受罰的晶片製造商高通與汽車市場,因為高通在晶片收取過高的專利費用,引起中國當局的注意,進既而行調查。而汽車市場則是由保險業提出的不合理高零整比,導致外汽車商遭到調查。 中國大陸如此大刀闊斧地對外企開罰到底是在追求社會正義?又或者是為了自身權利擴張而策劃?將由起因到結果,加入外商公司的反應加以討論。


反壟斷法 高通 競爭法


It was about three decades when China transitioning from a planed economy to market economy, china achieved tremendous success in economy, entire society keep progressing, many multinational companies were willing to invest mainland China, hence, China increased a lot of chances to prosperity, However, it was not until August 30, 2007, after 14 years’ relentless debate and wrangling, that the Anti-Monopoly Law (the “AML”) was finally passed. Although competition law is not entirely new in China, the AML is China’s first antitrust law that is comparable to the modern antitrust policies of other major jurisdictions. It concerned about the development of multinational companies and local enterprises, many companies which planned to invest china were aware china put more attention about economic development. In this dissertation employs an economic approach to conduct an in-depth analysis of anti-monopoly law, first discusses about legislative motivation, second compares competition law of America and Japan. Then through the case study analysis why Qualcomm, a semiconductor company, and automobile market in China. Qualcomm attracted attention by China government, which getting started investigation on Qualcomm. The investigation about automobile market due to the unreasonable fixing ratio discovered by insurance association of China. Why China government so urge to investigate multinational companies? Are China start to pursuing social justice or just for it’s own benefit? All the discussion form beginning to the end start from the companies reaction.


Anti-monopoly law Qualcomm competition law


2. 林柏男,《自律公約與公平交易法》,國立政治大學法律學研究所論文,頁41
2. Washington State office of the attorney general http://www.atg.wa.gov/
1. 王文科,《教育研究法》(五南出版社,2014年版)
