  • 學位論文

零件供應商評選之關鍵因素 -以中華汽車為例

Critical Factors for Evaluating Part Suppliers -Case of China Motor Company

指導教授 : 胡宜中


台灣在2002年加入WTO後隨著關稅逐年的低減,造成進口車市場佔有率的成長及國產車市場佔有率的衰退。再加上歐美各國為了降低生產成本,紛紛向世界各地區尋找新的供應商,供應商的坐大改變了原有供應鏈管理的生態。技術的提昇及自創品牌已經成為台灣汽車產業唯一選擇的經營策略,更是產業永續發展之道。因此有必要重新思考整合供應鏈中的零件供應商,讓零件供應商了解整車製造廠需要什麼樣的供應商,才能配合企業中長期的經營策略,持續維持雙贏的合作關係,提昇競爭力。 中華汽車自1969年成立以來,與零件供應商的關係均是靠早期經營者之關係所建立,有的零件供應商在第二代的經營者出現後有新的經營思維,已不再以中華汽車為主要的經營中心,取而代之的是國外汽車製造廠的訂單。因此中華汽車為了配合中長期的經營策略有需要開發新的零件供應商,希望藉此研究分析零件供應商評選的關鍵因素,並建立一套評選準則,促使中華汽車在未來中長期的發展能順利發展。 藉由彙整相關文獻及相關專家人員訪談,建構零件供應商評選關鍵因素層級架構,包含五大構面:「成本」、「交期」、「服務」、「品質」、「技術」及十七項準則。針對經理級主管、課長級主管二個群體分別使用層級分析法分析不同群體對於零件供應商評選關鍵因素構面與評估準則之相對重視程度及共識度分析,提供決策者參考。 研究結果顯示,經理級主管群體最重視的構面為「品質」、「技術」、「成本」;課長級主管群體最重視的構面為「品質」、「成本」、「技術」。係因該群體成員均為歷練豐富的單位決策者,深知「品質」對於未來自創品牌或現階段市場競爭均為重要要素且共識度一致。至於經理級主管第二重視順位為「技術」,係因經理級主管對未來前瞻性之發展較為重視;反之課長級主管較重視現階段公司經營獲利成果,故第二重視順位為「成本」。整體而言,經理級及課長級主管前三項重視構面均為「品質」、「技術」、「成本」,可見在評選供應商的看法上一致


Since 2002, when Taiwan was accessed into the WTO, the tariff of import cars decreased annually, which has resulted in the growth in market share of imported cars but negatively declining the sales of locally manufactured cars. In addition, the cost down strategies from Europe, US, and global manufacturers has forced them to source new suppliers from all over the world, whilst changing the nature of supply chain management due to the increasing power of suppliers. Technological enhancement and brand creation has become the only choice of strategy for the Taiwan automotive industry for its sustainability. Therefore, it is imperative to rethink the integration of part suppliers in the throughout the supply chain and building their awareness of car production so they may streamline their strategy together with manufacturers in creating a competitive long term win-win relationship. Established in 1969, China Motors has maintained a strong relationship with part suppliers with its predecessors. After their 2nd generations are taking over the business, a part of them have different operation strategy. China motors is not their main customer any more, instead of is the foreign motors maker. This has resulted in the need for China Motors to re-develop new part suppliers as their medium to long- term strategy. This research aims to analyse selection criterions for part supplier and to establish a methodology for selection standards in support of China Motor’s strategies in formulating new strategic corporate partnerships for sustainable future development. By collecting the related records, documents and expert’s opinions to set up supplier evaluation hierarchical structure, it includes five factors, they are Cost, Delivery, Service, Quality, Technical Capability and 17 of criterions. By collecting the manager and supervisor’s weighting and conformity analysis for the supplier evaluation critial factor’s structure and criterion, we can offer the result as decision maker’s reference. The result shows that the senior management rank “Quality”, “Technical Capability” and “Cost”, whereas departmental directors rank “Quality”, “Cost” and “Technical Capability” in order of importance.Both group members concur the importance of “Quality” factors in the future own brands or current market competitiveness.Senior management value “Technical Capability” higher because senior managers place more emphasis on future sustained development.However, departmental directors believe focus on immediate profitability and price competitiveness as more important, and thus selected “Cost” as their second factor of importance. Overall, both the senior management and departmental directors all value “Quality”, “Technical Capability” and “Cost” as their top three important factors, which shows a consistency in evaluation structure in suppliers selection.


