  • 學位論文


Key Factors and Alternatives Evaluation of Improving Organization Performances for the Defense R&D Institute

指導教授 : 胡宜中


在面對全球化、資訊科技、網際網路與知識經濟興起的時代,科技研究發展之投入,已經成為驅動國家經濟成長的重要指標,更是產業永續發展命脈所在。世界各國均體認到把技術創新和技術自主定為基本國策,無不重視科技發展之成效,持續在國防科技領域大量投入財力、物力與人力並且將國家資源重點投入科技研發,冀望對國家經濟成長之提昇有所助益。 中科院長期致力於國防工業科技研發,為跨越多項領域的國防研發機構,惟因應國際政治局勢及國防軍購政策現階段之考量,近年來因政府財政赤字日益擴大,政府各部門預算均日益緊縮,造成科技研發資源受到排擠,中科院目前正面臨組織轉型與內外環境變化之壓力,而遭受嚴重的挑戰,組織的變動將引起人員的不安及抗拒,進而影響組織的整體營運及績效,希望藉此研究分析提昇國防研發機構組織績效的關鍵因素,並提出適當的解決方案,促使績效之提昇,使組織邁向永續經營之目標。 藉由彙整相關文獻及德爾菲法整合相關專業人員建議,建構提昇國防研發機構組織績效的決策層級架構,包含四大構面:「人力資源」、「研發成果」、「組織創新」、「學習與成長」及十八項準則。針對一級正副主官、二級正副主管及相關業管承辦人員三個群體分別使用層級分析法分析不同群體對於提昇組織績效構面與評估準則之相對重視程度及共識度分析,求取平衡點,提供決策者參考。另以模糊理論及理想解類似度偏好順序評估法評估「組織結構調整」、「人力結構調整」、「強化輪調機制」、「人員經管制度建立」四個可行方案之績效值。 研究結果顯示,一級正副主官群體最重視的構面為「人力資源」,係因該群體成員為單位決策者,如何有效善用人力資源,使其發揮最大功效為其首要考量構面;二級正副主管最重視的構面則是「組織創新」,該群體成員未來很有機會成為高階主官,如何使組織不斷創新適應變化的環境,為其最重視的因素;而業管承辦人員最重視的構面為「研發成果」,係因研發成果的成功與否左右著基層人員的工作績效,故該群體最重視此一構面。在方案評選上,一級正副主官最偏好「人力結構調整」方案;二級正副主管較偏好「強化輪調機制」方案;而業務承辦人最偏好「組織結構調整」方案。


Facing with the age of the emergence of globalization, information technology, Internet and knowledge-based economy, the involvement in technological research and development has become the major indicator for driving the national economic growth and is also the lifeline of sustainable development of industries. Various countries in the world also recognize that the basic national policy is innovative technology and autonomous technology. Importance is placed on the effect of technological development and extensive financial resources, material resource and manpower are put into the national defense technology domain continuously. In addition, the main national resource is put into the technological research and development hoping that this can be helpful in enhancing the national economic growth. Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology “CSIST”, a national defense research and development organization, strives for the research and development of the national defense industry in long term and strides across multiple domains. However, in order to cope with the international political situation and to consider the present stage of national defense arms procurement and as the financial deficit of our country is expanding day by day resulting in more shrinkage in the budgets of various departments of our government, the result is the technological research and development resource is being edged out. At present CSIST is facing the organization transformation and the pressure from the change in the internal and external environment and CSIST is encountering serious challenge. Organizational change will result in discomfort and opposition from personnel and this will further affect the overall operation and performance of the organization. It is hoped that with this research and analysis, the key factors for enhancing the performance of the national defense research and development organization can be found so that such organization can stride towards the goal of sustainable operation. Through collective arrangement of relevant documents and the suggestions of relevant professional personnel integrated using Delphi Method, a decision-making hierarchy structure is established to enhance the performance of the national defense organization. This includes four large aspects:”Human Resource”,”Research And Development Result”,”Organization Innovation”,”Learning And Growth” and eighteen standards. Aiming at the three groups including level 1 principal and deputy in-charge and level 2 principal and deputy in-charge and relevant managing and handling person, the Analytical Hierarchy Process “AHP” is utilized to analyze the aspects of enhancing the organization performance by different group and the corresponding level of emphasis on the evaluation criteria and also the degree of common consensus is analyzed. This is to seek for a point of balance that can be provided to decision maker as reference. In addition, evaluation on the performance value of four feasible plans including:”Organization Structure Adjustment”,”Manpower Structure Adjustment”,”Intensified Rotational Transfer System”,”Establishment of Personnel Management System” is conducted based on Fuzzy Theory and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution “TOPSIS”. The research results shows that the aspect mostly emphasized by level 1 principal and deputy in-charge group is “Manpower Resource”because members of this group are decision makers. The first and most important consideration for them is how to effectively improve the utilization of human resource so that it can bring the maximum effect into full play. The mostly emphasized aspect for level 2 principal and deputy in-charge is“Organization Innovation”. Members of this group have good opportunity to become a high level in-charge in the future and therefore the most emphasized factor for them is how to enable the organization to continue to innovate and to adapt to the changing environment. The aspect that is mostly emphasized by the managing and handling person is the“Research and Development Result”. This is because whether the result of the research and development is successful or not will affect the work performance of the basic level personnel. Therefore this group emphasizes this aspect most. In respect of plan appraisal, the level 1 principal and deputy in-charge mostly prefers the“Manpower Structure Adjustment” plan; the level 2 principal and deputy in-charge mostly prefers the“Intensified Rotational Transfer System” plan and the managing and handling person mostly prefers the“Organization Structure Adjustment” plan.


陳佳妏,2005,領隊人員績效評估建構之研究—以平衡計分卡為基礎, 旅遊管理研究所碩士論文。


謝鶴年(2008)。零件供應商評選之關鍵因素 -以中華汽車為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200800350
