  • 學位論文

影響軍通產合開發計畫執行績效之關鍵因素 -以國防研發機構為例-

Key Factors of Influencing The Performance of Dual-Use Technology Industrial Cooperation Project - A Case of Defense R&D Institute

指導教授 : 胡宜中


軍通產合開發計畫係為有效運用國防科技即有之研發能量與經驗,協助國內產業提升開發產品之技術水準,開拓國內外市場,提高國際競爭力。自從國防二法頒布實施後,經由國防法二十二條之授權,訂定「國防部科技工業機構與法人團體從事研發產製維修辦法」、「國防部科技工業機構產品銷售辦法」、「國防部科技工業機構委託民間經營管理辦法」三項子法,中科院配合國家政策,開始籌畫將國防科專與經濟部科專計畫相結合。現藉由『中科院軍通產合開發計畫』之執行,制定軍品釋商科專計畫機制、作業規範及辦法,藉以整合中科院國防技術與能量,落實軍品釋商之國家政策。 由於近年來政府財政赤字日益擴大,政府各部門預算均日益緊縮,造成科技研發資源(如國防部科學研究及經濟部科專預算)受到排擠,因此,如何在有限的資源下,爭取更多的預算,是本研究主要探討的課題。故而依據國內、外專家學者的理論基礎及相關論文文獻,再加上中科院軍通產合開發計畫本身特性後,彙總出環境因素、組織因素、技術因素及個人特徵等四個層面,再經過實際從事軍通產合開發計畫之專家確認各項因素之適合度後,推展出十四項評估準則,據以構建一個分析模型架構,再以此關鍵因素為問卷設計的主要內容,並以中科院業務主管及承辦人員為群體,利用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)來訂定決策過程中各衡量因素的權重值。 研究結果發現整體填答者對本研究所選取的影響因素,在考慮層面中認為「組織因素」是影響軍通產合開發計畫執行績效之主要考慮層面的因素,且其在各群體間均具有一定的共識度,「環境因素」則次之,「技術因素」再次之,而「個人特徵」則為較不受重視的層面。在評估準則中較重要之前三項分別為「專業及創新技術能力」、「管理階層的支持」及「產業界需求」,且其在各群體間均具有一定的共識度,顯見其獲得一致性的看法。惟因業務主管及承辦人二群體所處之位階不同,業務主管常需直接面對產業界爭取計畫及預算,故該群體中認為「產業界需求」最重要,而承辦人員則向業務主管負責,以達成工作目標及任務為主要目的,故該群體認為「管理階層的支持」最重要。在受評單位的表現上,各群體均認為以「E單位」表現最佳,且具有一定的共識度,其他受評單位仍需就各自在表現較差之準則項目加強改進。


The Dual-Use Technology Industrial Cooperation and Development Program is to utilize available defense technological capabilities and experiences effectively to help the domestic industries upgrade their products, explore both domestic and global markets, and enhance international competency. After the Two Defense Acts enacted and enforced, ‘Regulation of Technological /Industrial Organizations of MND Undertaking R&D, Manufacturing and Maintenance Activities’, ‘Regulation of Technological/Industrial Organizations of MND Marketing Affairs’, and ‘Regulation MND’ are created in accordance with the 22nd article of National Defense Act. To comply with the national policy, the CSIST planed to combine the defense technology with Technology Development Program of MEA. The CSIST has established the materiel outsourcing mechanism, standard operation procedures and regulations to integrate its defense technologies and capabilities to realize the national policy on materiel outsourcing. Due to that the financial deficit keeps growing in recent years, government agencies’ budget shrinks year after year, which squeezes the science and technology R&D resources, technology research in MND and Technology Development Program in MEA, for instance. How to fight for more funding under the limited resources condition is the main issue to be investigated in this research. After surveying all the references from related subjects and studying the theoretical basis from academic reports, combing with the characteristics of The Dual-Use Technology Industrial Cooperation and Development Program in CSIST, there are four hierarchies can be finalized: environmental factor, organizational factor, technical factor and personality; And fourteen evaluation criteria are further derived from consideration of the suitability of each factors. These are used to build up an analytical model, and then design a survey form with the management level officers and staffs being the surveying object. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to determine the individual weight of each factor in decision-making process. Among the important factors which are thought to affect the Dual-Use Technology Industrial Cooperation and Development Program performance, the research result shows that ‘organizational factor’ was chosen by most people, a consensus between different group; ‘environmental factor’ next, ‘technical factor’ the third, and ‘personality’ is not as important as the others. The three most important evaluation criteria are expertise and innovative capability, support from management level, and industrial requirements, which show a consensus of opinion. Being at different positions, management officers often have to face industry sectors directly to fight for projects and funds, thinking ‘industrial requirements’ the most important factor, and staffs are responsible for achieving project goals and carrying out missions under command, thinking ‘support from management level’ the most important factor. In respect to the overall performance evaluation, unit E was the best, a certain level of consensus; other units have to improve in individual weakness measured by performance evaluation criteria.




