  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study on Han Pao-teh's Architectural Perspective of Modernism, Traditionalism and Folk Culture

指導教授 : 黃奕智


漢寶德是推動台灣建築現代化的重要推手,也是開啟台灣傳統建築調 查研究的代表,其同時具有對過去與未來想像的研究,是台灣建築思 潮重要的開啟者。因此本研究以漢寶德為研究對象,作為了解戰後台 灣建築思潮與問題的爬梳與了解。研究方法上,以漢寶德曾經出版之 雜誌、文章、書籍,傳統建築調查與建築作品做分析與詮釋,了解自 戰後台灣建築面對身分問題的矛盾價值觀。本研究從其相關第一手文 獻與後人二手文獻作整理與問題爬梳後,約略將漢寶德之建築觀分為 幾個時期: (1) 漢寶德對於現代主義建築觀的論述與探討。 (2) 漢寶德對於傳統建築與歷史觀的論述與探討。 (3) 漢寶德對於常民性的論述與探討。 透過對漢寶德認識的過程中,本研究發現其內心對建築的糾結最主要 來自於階級意識的影響,來自西方科學的理性與傳統文化感性之間的 平衡以及菁英美學與常民性之間的拉扯。其階級意識中存在著中國傳 統士大夫的觀念,受到中國傳統儒家思想與西方古典公民的意識,此 觀念也影響後期面對學院與大眾之間的矛盾與拉扯。而漢寶德於建築 養成時期所閱讀之人文主義相關書籍,也影響其日後以人文角度看待 建築的核心價值觀。本研究認為漢寶德晚期所提出的大乘建築觀是來 自早期西方人文主義著作,文藝復興時期的公民意識,以及新儒家對 知識份子美學與常民文化間相互折衝後的結果。


Han Pao-teh is an important promoter of architectural modernism in Taiwan, and a pioneer in the investigation of traditional Taiwanese architecture. This study takes Han Pao-teh as the research subject, as a way to understand the search for the architectural identity in postwar Taiwan. In terms of research methods,this research uses magazines, articles and books published by Han Pao-teh, historical survey of traditional Taiwanese architecture, and his modern architectural designs to understand the contradictory values of tradition and modern in the search of Taiwanese architectural identity after WWⅡ.This research roughly divides Han Pao-teh 's architectural view into three topics: (1) Han Pao-teh's concept and discussion on the architectural Modernism. (2) Han Pao-teh's concept and discussion on traditional Taiwanese architecture. (3) Han Pao-teh's concept and discussion on folk culture. This study found out that Han Pao-teh's inner entanglement about architecture mainly comes from the consideration on the balance between the rationality of Western science and the sensibility of traditional culture, and the struggle between elite aesthetics and folk culture. Such attitude comes from his class conscious, the concept of traditional Chinese scholar-bureaucrat, which is influenced by traditional Chinese Confucianism and the western citizenship of Renaissance.Therefore, this study argues that the Mahayana architectural view proposed by Han Pao-teh is a compromised result based on the humanism he studied in the early days, the humanist values of citizenship proposed during the Renaissance, and the Neo-Confucianist concept on the relationship between intellectual aesthetic and folk culture .


□ 英文文獻
Sigfried Giedion,Space, Time and Architecture,Cambridge:Harvard University Press ; London : Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press,1941.
Lewis Mumford,The Culture of Cities, United States:Harcourt, Brace and company,1938.
Adrian Forty(2000)《Words and Buildings: A Vocabulary of Modern Architecture》,
New York :W W Norton Co Inc.
