  • 學位論文


China's Oil Policy and Regional Security--Political Economic Approach

指導教授 : 吳漢


中國大陸經濟發展迅速,對能源的需求也逐漸增加,雖然中國本身為產油大國,日產石油約35億桶,約佔全球總生產量的4.5%,為世界第六大產油國。但是因為國內市場上,石油仍是供不應求,使得中國必須仰賴國外原油的輸入,以支撐國內經濟與工業的發展。然而,全球石油蘊藏地分布相當集中於少數地區,同時石油已經變成是國家控制的戰略資源,因此,中國必須以國家的力量與外交的手段,來維護石油進口的穩定與安全。而作為區域乃至於全球的大國,中國所進行的任何行動,勢必造成周邊國家與區域的警惕與影響,探討這些影響為何,是本論文主要的研究目的。   本論文採用政治經濟研究途徑作為整體分析架構,先將石油的政治面向與經濟面向做明確的釐清,並討論石油的政治與經濟兩個面向是如何影響中國石油政策,進而探討中共為維護石油安全所採取的各種政治與經濟手段。最後,以分析中國石油政策對東北亞、東南亞、中亞等三個區域的區域安全所造成的影響作結。


China needs more and more energy when it’s economy growing. Although China reserves a lot of petroleum, produces 3.5 billion barrels per day and is the sixth oil producer of the world, it still depends on oil import. However, petroleum reserves in the several area and is controlled by a few countries, China has to keep oil import stable and secure by its power and diplomatic method. On the other hand, be the main power of the region, China’s every action will influence the other countries. Discussing these influences is the main purpose of this dissertation. This dissertation used the political economic approach. First, I separated the political and economic terms from petroleum. Second, I discussed about China’s every political and economic method to protect its oil security. Finally, this dissertation was end at what was the influence of China’s oil policy in northeast, southeast and middle Asia.


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