  • 學位論文


Study of Zheng Quen-Ying’s Jingshi Theory and Religionship

指導教授 : 崔成宗


先秦與清末民初,是中國歷史上兩個鉅變的時期,筆者於民國一まま年以《先秦商道思想之研究》一書,探討先秦商人之思想。該文聚焦於《史記.貨殖列傳》所載先秦時代商人之行事傳記。筆者列舉先秦大貨殖家弦高、子貢、范蠡,以及呂不韋等,探討「商」之意涵,大商賈之思想、性格、行為,如何充內形外。子貢、范蠡樂善好施,周濟貧困,其「富而仁義」、「富而好德」為商人最高之行為準則,即商之道。筆者承續碩士論文之餘緒,起心動念,進而探究清末民初的思想家、文學家兼實業家鄭觀應之思想,以〈鄭觀應宗教信仰與經世思想之研究〉為題,拾級而進,謀篇蓄勢,開拓相關而嶄新的研究,擴大時間與空間之格局,提高深度與廣度之意涵,期盼發揮學術研究之實用價值。 本文研究之旨趣凡四,其一、探討鄭觀應之道教信仰及其影響。其二、探討近代中國之變革思潮。其三、了解鄭觀應經世思想之啟發意義。其四、比較鄭氏經世思想與古代商道之關係。 本文共分七章,首章為緒論,第二章論述鄭觀應之生平行誼,鄭氏本儒商精神,積極入世,見重於當局,出謀劃策,盡心輔弼。第三章闡述鄭觀應之宗教思想,從信仰來觀照一位慈善事業家,心之所託,終生履道。求劍仙之術,濟儒道之窮。生於亂世,盡性知命,以詩抒懷,大隱隱於市。賑濟災荒,關注人權,道教信仰實為驅使他畢生入世濟人之動力。第四章闡釋鄭觀應經世之學,晚清對「經世」之義,匡時著論,注重實用。獻切時之要言,求有益於世道,鄭觀應賦予傳統道器論新的銓釋,「器(法)可變、道不可變」,學有本源,歸本經學。第五章論述鄭觀應經世事功,積極參與洋務運動,籌設招商局,冶鐵採煤,築建鐵路,奠定近代中國之工業基礎。晚清學者托古改制,直諫政治之失。鄭觀應則以實業救國,主張師夷長技,發展商務致富。第六章歸納鄭觀應經世思想之意義與價值。鄭觀應百年之後,值中國於全球崛起,成為大國。時勢所趨,鄭氏之思想言論,自大陸經濟發展後,復受重視。回顧鄭氏經世思想,對海峽兩岸當今之課題,甚具啟迪意義。「形而上謂之道,形而下謂之器」,鄭觀應稱:「器可變,而道不可變。」「器可變」,器是形器,器可「交流」、「互通」、「往來」、「溝通」,推衍兩岸交流、互通、往來之現況。而兩岸雖各有管轄政權,皆承繼中華學術文化,亦即「孔孟之道」,以「道」跨足兩岸,經世新局,於焉興起。第七章為結論。


經世 思想家 文學家 晚清詩人 實業家


Both Pre-Qin and Late Ching dynasties were the most violent periods in Chinese history. I entitled The Study of Commercialism in Pre-Qin dynasty as my gradual degree in June, 2011. Ancient Slogan "scholar, farmer, artisan and merchant", scholar-officials of being, in order to end, The great historian - Ssu Ma Chien's historical article, came up with a core value, and rich, is one of the. Objectivity faithfully described business road to riches that this free rank of wealth, and merchants ' success with social status of exposition have been given highly. I tried to continue to find out excellent a merchant with Zheng Quen-Ying’s Jingshi Thought to renew my study of Doctoral Program. It is the goal that I have been rearranging an antique article to meet the deep demand in researching Zheng’s thinking and enhances significant value of scholarship. The main meaning of this thesis was to know Zheng’s thought related to those in Pre-Qin dynasty;to realize How Zheng’s thought has been improving booming economy in recent China since Late Ching dynastry;furthermore, to understand commercial relation between Pre-Qin and Late Ching dynasties. The text of this issue was separated into seven charters. Charter one It is comment for all charters. Charter two describing Zheng’s history. As Zheng was a student of Confucianism, all his life, he was giving himself to find out numerous proposal and solution to his supervisor. Charter three describing Zheng’s thought for Tao. Zheng Quen-Ying had strengthened Tao by practical meaning that subjects could be changed, but Tao should remain its unchanged regulation sourcing from Chinese classical culture. Charter four describing Zheng’s fully participating in modernly industrial movement at late 1890. He was devoted himself to setting up China Merchants Group, refining raw mine fuel, manufacturing iron product, building railroad. Those emerging enterprises had made basic foundation for China industry. Zheng Quen-Ying usually suggested that Chinese should learn how to surpass foreign countries from learning their scientific and technical skills as well. The priority for modernly industrial movement was to develop commercial transaction all over the world, so China could become wealthy. Charter five describing Zheng‘s religion. When he was in illness childhood, he intensely turned into a Taoist. He deeply believed that Sward God of Taoism would be present to save the world by trustfully worship. Both Jingshi thought and Taoist religion could be existed at the same time. Zheng Quen-Ying was born at the period while Late Ching dynasty had been seriously invaded by west foreign countries. He put himself at an unknowable location and wrote a lot of poem to express his practical feeling. Charter six describing how Zheng’s theory effect China’s economy and reveal important valuation of his contribution stated both in mainland China and Taiwan. Research of author discussion for Zheng’s core thought, the view of meaning that subjects could be changed, but Tao should remain its unchanged regulation ultimately uplifted spirit staying as long as history exists. Charter seven is conclusion for all charters.


