  • 學位論文


An empirical study of Business Strategy of Optical Glasses Industry

指導教授 : 孫嘉祈
共同指導教授 : 林烱垚


近年來,消費者在百貨公司或購物中心裡就可以做到眼鏡的選購,因為有些外來的大型眼鏡連鎖店就選在百貨公司或購物中心為經營點,主打低價促銷及快速取件。 除此之外,臺灣的經濟因為長期的不景氣,嚴重地擠壓了臺灣眼鏡行的生存空間。眼鏡行的經營者要如何從競爭的大環境中脫穎而出,除了打價格戰,是否還要更注重服務和品質,以及專業的驗光技術?各連鎖店家推出不同的優惠方案吸引消費者上門,傳統實體眼鏡店則面臨到越來越激烈的競爭,再加上臺灣隱形眼鏡廠商多、技術品質的進步,增加了戴隱形眼鏡的人口,也就引發了配鏡人口數逐漸減少的問題。又因面臨到低毛利,管銷成本卻急速上升,於是新的商業模式之於眼鏡業就應運而生了。 本研究宗旨在探討消費者對於選配眼鏡之服務品質與技術面之重要度與滿意度,乃從訪問眼鏡行經營著去了解一般消費者對於眼鏡產品的消費習性,在結果的分析上,首先從眼鏡消費過程(購前行為、購買情報評估、購買決策及購後行為的評估與換購計劃)做一般消費者在驗配眼鏡時的消費行為趨勢分析。及以雙北市的眼鏡行號公司經營者為訪談對象,共訪談五位專家進行商業模式應用於眼鏡業之剖析。 研究結果發現,價格因素是消費者在選擇眼鏡公司的最主要的考慮因素,其次為服務品質、專業技術、產品品質,而網路行銷也開始具有一定的影響力。因此各眼鏡公司應隨時瞭解消費者動向,才能擬定有效策略而掌握目標市場。最後對眼鏡業者及眼鏡消費者問卷,在消費過程的認知上,檢定其差異性,並作成結論與建議。


In recent years, people can purchase eyeglasses in department stores and shopping malls. These large chain stores have their shops in the department stores and shopping malls, and specialize in low prices and quick pick-up services. Other then the points mentioned above, the long term economic distress in Taiwan has seriously squeezed the space of optical eyeglasses stores. How can the operators of optical eyeglass stores standout from this competitive market? Do they need to pay more attention to the services, product quality, or expert skill of optometry tests? Each chain store has been promoted by discount plans to attract consumers. The traditional eyeglass stores are facing cutthroat competition and also better quality of contact lenses, which increases the popularity of wearing contact lenses. On the other hand, the popularity of wearing eyeglasses is winding-down. Because of the low gross profit and high cost of selling, the new business model of optical glasses has been born. This study mainly explores the satisfaction and importance of the service, quality, and technical side of consumers purchasing eyeglasses. This analysis is of the process trend of how consumers plan before purchasing, getting information, after decision making, and next purchase plan. Moreover, it interviewed five operators of optical eyeglass stores to analyze how the business model applied to the optical industry. The research shows that “the price”, is the main consideration of consumers when purchasing eyeglasses. Second, are good service, expert technical skill, and product quality. Even more, internet promotion has started affecting the consumers. Therefore, the eyeglass store companies should be aware of the trend of consumers to make right decision to get the target. Through the questionnaire and interviews, it makes the conclusion and suggestion on the cognition of the process of consumption.


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