  • 學位論文


Associations among Knowledge Management,Team Process and Project Performance in the High-Tech Industry

指導教授 : 楊立人


為了因應全球經濟環境變化迅速,近年來高科技產業的公司都開始使用專案組織或專案團隊來回應全球化與顧客的多元化,以達成企業目標。 但由於專案的特性下,易導致團隊成員變動頻繁與知識的流失;因此,對於組織而言,建立專案團隊流暢的運作與做好知識管理就變得相當重要;而這兩者之間的關係將如何影響到專案績效,則成為本研究的動機與目的。 本研究從McGrath(1964)的團隊效能模型開始著手,藉此探討團隊運作流程在知識管理成效與專案績效之間是否存在中介作用。抽樣方式採用滾雪球抽樣法,抽取國內曾在高科技產業從事過專案之人員為研究樣本。針對回收的有效樣本151份資料,進行敘述性統計、信度分析、因素分析、相關分析、階層迴歸分析和二因子變異數分析。經實證分析之後,獲致結論如下: (1).知識管理成效對團隊運作流程有顯著的正向影響效果 (2).團隊運作流程對專案績效有顯著的正向影響效果 (3) 團隊運作流程在知識管理成效和專案績效之間有完全中介作用 (4).專案特徵在知識管理成效和團隊運作流程之間具有干擾作用 (5).專案特徵在團隊運作流程和專案績效之間具有干擾作用 最後,依據研究結果,對高科技產業之專案團隊及未來研究提出具體建議,以供參考。


Under the pressure of globalization, high-tech industries use project organization or project teams to respond quickly to the environmental changes and customer demand and reach the enterprise goals. However, the loss of a member of project team can cause a loss of knowledge. Thus, Knowledge management is becoming an important strategic issue in project management. This research adopts team effectiveness model developed by McGrath (1964) and investigates whether team process may play a mediating role on the associations between knowledge management and project performance. This study uses snowball sampling to collect data. A total 151 project responses in the Taiwanese high-tech industries were collected. Descriptive statistics, validity analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, hierarchical regression analysis and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were employed in this study. The research findings are presented as below: 1.Knowledge management has positive impacts on team process. 2.Team process has positive impacts on project performance. 3.The relationship between knowledge management and project performance is fully mediated by team process. 4.The relationship between knowledge management and team process is moderated by project characteristics. 5.The relationship between team process and project performance is moderated by project characteristics. Finally, research limit, recommendations for future research, and research implications were also discussed.


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