  • 學位論文


Study on the Correlation among Project Managers’ Leadership, Conflict Management of Project Team and Project Performance

指導教授 : 鄧誠中
共同指導教授 : 紀麗秋


目前專案管理已普遍應用於國內外各大企業,原因不外是企業組織欲藉專案管理整合有限資源,並於有限預算與時程內達成組織目標;再加上今日企業競爭模式迥異以往,過去成功經營模式已不敷目前競爭需求,生存本能點醒企業應更加強對專案管理之重視,是以專案管理儼然成為現代企業成功蛻變之動力來源。 有鑑於專案績效是評估專案任務成敗的重要指標。專案執行中影響績效的因素不外乎品質、成本、時程…等,然而在專案管理實務操作面卻不難發現,專案經理人領導風格與專案團隊成員衝突管理對專案績效之影響性更不容吾人小覷。 本研究以不同產業專案團隊成員為研究樣本,探討專案經理人領導風格、專案團隊成員衝突管理與專案績效間之關係,採用問卷調查方式進行,總計發放700份調查問卷,針對回收503份有效樣本,進行敘述性統計、信度分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析及迴歸分析。本研究結果顯示:專案經理人領導風格與專案團隊成員衝突管理具相關性,專案經理人魅力型與交易型領導風格對專案績效具有影響效果,專案團隊成員合作型、支配型、妥協型與逃避型衝突管理對專案績效亦具有影響效果,整體而言專案經理人領導風格與專案團隊成員衝突管理交互作用下對專案績效亦具有影響力。


Project management has been widely applied to enterprises in Taiwan and other countries since corporate organizations aim to integrate limited resources by project management and accomplish organizational goals by limited budget and schedule. The current corporate competition model is different from the past, thus, past successful operation model can no longer match the demand of current competition. By the instinct of survival, enterprises should pay more attention to project management. Thus, project management becomes the drive of success of modern enterprises. Project performance is the important indicator to assess the outcome of the projects. In the implementation of projects, the factors of performance usually include quality, cost, schedule, etc. However, according to practice of project management, project managers’ leadership and conflict management of project team members also significantly influence project performance. This study treated project team members in different industries as the samples to probe into the correlation among project managers’ leadership, conflict management of project team members and project performance. In the questionnaires survey, 700 questionnaires were distributed, and 503 valid samples were retrieved. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, t test, One-way ANOVA, correlation analysis and regression analysis. According to the findings, there is a correlation between project managers’ leadership and conflict management of project team members. Project managers’ charismatic and transactional leadership can influence project performance. Cooperation, domination, compromise and avoidance conflict management of project team members also influence project performance. Generally speaking, interaction between project managers leadership and conflict management of project team members influences project performance.


